Photo by Robert Lukeman on Unsplash



True love is effortless

Billowing cloud floating aloft

Sensing time and space

Praying it’s everlasting

Knowing the blessings are surely undeserved

My imposter says another shoe will drop

As I question the fears prancing uncorrupted

Questioning how this can be so real

And she comes

Aphrodite comes

To steady my sway

Crystalizing the intuitive knowing

Love comes in slowly

Then all at once

My new lifetime should start immediately

Patience pushes restraint pursing now

Damn the restraint when love comes to town

Life’s blessings adorn turquoise eyes

The most courageous of souls

Losing myself in her deepest passions

Reiterating the devotion and commitment

To the life we are creating

In the image of peace and love and us



Shaler Houser
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)

Founder of NEXT Founder Fund, Deal Strategies, Youturn Health, Green Cloud, UCI Communications, Nuvox Communications, & Seruus Ventures @shalerhouser