Stepping out of your comfort zone

Kolbrún Magnúsdóttir
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)
5 min readSep 17, 2020
Photo by Austin Neill on Unsplash

are you stuck in your safe zone dying to get in the zone where the magic happens?

Are you stuck in your comfort zone dying to get out and explore something new, and see if the universe has something more for you to offer? Do you desire something more out of your life, but just don’t know exactly what it is? If the answer is yes, perhaps it is time to dive in the open sea and explore new opportunities, find the courage, and face the fear.

Are you willing to face your fear? Then you need to have courage.

If you feel the fear when you are doing something you really want to do, then you know you´re out of your comfort zone, that is where the new learning starts.

Don’t get stuck in your past, focus on the present and the future, if you have to use the past go there to reach out for experience, strength, or learning that will help in your journey to the future.

Take a look inside

Your life is an art of your mindset and you are the artist that creates that art: how does it look like. look inside and see if your painting is how you want it to be, or perhaps you would like to do some changes, it is never too late to start…. Whatever you do don’t try to convince yourself that you are too old, that you don’t have what it needs to follow your dreams, this is all bed excuses to do nothing….

When you are having a difficult time finding the right answers in your life it is most likely because you are not asking yourself the right questions, when you pose and give yourself some time to take a look inside you will find the right question to ask.

Don’t do this alone, we will always need to have support in our journey to get the most out of it, so be sure you have the support you need. If you have the right people with the right mindset around you, they will be willing to support you.

Courage does not come without fear:

The best way to build up your courage is to do what you are afraid of. Don’t procrastinate what you want to do, if you do you are nourishing the fear inside you.

The courage will eventually bet the fear so hang in there my friend; courage is the key to success.

Let’s take a better look at what it means.

  • When your morality is strong, and your values are clear the suspicions toward yourself fall in the shadow of courage. Be honest to your self and others and don’t let short-term interests be in the way of long-term-prosperity
  • When the purpose is clear the courage will take over the doubt. Be focused a prioritize, that’s how you find the best possible outcome of your journey
  • When your self-confidence is good the courage will overcome the powerlessness. When you know you can trust your self you know you have good self-confidence
  • When you stand by yourself, the opinions of others will no longer be a part of your life. Have the courage to be there for your self
  • The moment you start listening to yourself, what you want, and what you desire the voices in your head will be replaced with courage. Good listening is strongly connected with emotional intelligence, when you have learned to listen to your inner self your self-awareness starts to grow.
  • When you ask yourself power full question, you will start to find the answers you are searching for and find the courage to stop doing things “as you have always done”
  • When you learn to face the facts, you find the courage to deal with uncertainty
  • When you start to see the future with a new perspective the past will fall in a shadow of the courage
  • When you have a clear vision of your goal and where you are heading, lack of direction will be replaced by courage
  • When you have the ability to take action on the next step in your journey the procrastination will be replaced by courage.
  • When you are committed to the tasks in your journey, you have all the courage you need to move forward

When you find the courage within, you are on the path were new opportunities arrive in your life, the only thing that prevents you to succeed is that you give up before the success happened.

Photo by Philippe Bouhis on Unsplash

If you don’t want to end up thinking, “what if” and “why didn’t I do that” full of regrets and remorse. You have to be in control of your life, be the captain, and lead the way. You deserve to live your life to the fullest.


The skills and knowledge that have brought you to the point you are right now are not the one that will help you reach the next destination of success in your life, to be able to go further you have to find a new path to take, new knowledge, only when you do that you are taking the path of personal development and living your full potential. That only happened when you find the courage to face the fear

With more self-awareness and understanding you will start to see your life with a new perspective, your attitude will change and your vision to life.

Self-knowledge is the key when you are making a decision where you want to go in your life. Self-trust and self-respect are nourished by self-knowledge.

When you know you can trust yourself you have good self-confidence. When you cannot trust that you will keep up whit promises that you gave yourself you are eating up the routs of your self-respect that are supposed to nurse your self-confidence.

Final word

This journey is not supposed to be easy; it should take you through all the emotional colors of your life. Keep in mind that courage comes from within and if you stay true to yourself you will be standing as a winner no matter how things go.

What winners have in common is that they have done more mistakes than others because they never gave up. They learned from their mistakes and keep on going.

What winners have in common is that they have done more mistakes than others because they never gave up. They learned from their mistakes and keep on going.



Kolbrún Magnúsdóttir
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)

Personal development coach. I am constantly seeking opportunities to develop both personally and professionally. contact me at