Stop Chasing Yourself

Scott Leonardi
True Scuba
Published in
5 min readJan 30, 2021


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Sometimes it can feel like a futile effort when you’re spending your day trying to catch up to the initial burst of motivation you may feel upon awakening on a good morning.

It happens all the time.

Once you get some momentum going with your productivity levels and optimism regarding your routines and habits, you might start to notice that going to bed at night isn’t as stressful as it used to be. You finally feel like you have a pretty good idea about how you’ve structured your day/week and aren’t as stressed out anymore. No longer are you laying in bed awake, unable to grasp at the sheep mocking you as one by one they hurdle your anxious brain.

No, not anymore.

Now, you can feel the empowerment and relaxation that comes with having an orderly mindset about your goals and desires. You’ve read the books and articles, you’ve listened to the interviews and podcasts, you’ve gone down enough YouTube rabbit holes that you’ve finally popped your head back out the other side. You’ve found out what works for you and are actually executing on a daily basis.

Or, at least you’re taking healthy steps in the right direction and are starting to feel the evolutionary buzz that comes with true progress.

There’s just one thing: you can’t help but feel like your optimism and productivity are…



Scott Leonardi
True Scuba

Paddling into the alphabet ocean, lookin’ to be a true scuba. Writer of stories, screenplays, poetry and more. All found at