Technology Triggering Past Life Memories

Now that we can Record and Replay, can we also recall?

Thushan Jayaratne
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)
3 min readFeb 15, 2023


Old Songs…Old Memories | Generated with Midjourney

“What Novelty is worth that sweet monotony, where everything is known, and loved, because it is known” — George Eliot on Mill on the Floss

Have you ever felt happy or sad while hearing an Old song before your time but have no idea why you feel that way?

I sometimes hear a song that is way before my time, and I am overwhelmed with this profound familiarity with them, its like I know the song and the artist and that it was from a time that I was actually present.

I wonder if this is the cause of most of our emotional issues and the possible evidence of reincarnation.

Right until humans were able to record sound, music and visual content, store it and replay it, we were generally oblivious about ‘what was’. People mainly could just ‘read’ about what kind of sights and sounds were present…in the past. But for the majority of human history, there was no way that we know of the ‘before us’.

The ability to record history in a visual, auditory and moving form came to be only in the last few centuries (photograph 1826, sound 1857, video 1888) so until then, no one had a reference to what things, people, music etc looked and sounded like. And even the print had many limitation in reach.

But since we started recording things and since the 1950’s when television for popular, and then with the Internet and smartphone revolution, we are now able to record and view things that happened during the past 100 years or so. And this is also sufficient time for a few generations of people to be re-born.

If indeed we have been reincarnating for hundreds and perhaps thousands of years, we were completely oblivious to it. Even if we remembered some of it when we are children, the new world that we are born into makes sure that we do not remember what it was like before, and this ‘new world’ becomes our now world. And with absolutely nothing to come up as a reminder of what was, we were able to carry on in this lifetime, unless and otherwise something profound happens, we meet someone from the previous lifetime or are able to visit lands which we were familiar with.

But now, because we have access to the sights, sounds and movements of about 100 years ago, we are sometimes ‘triggered’. I think that sometimes this is a profound experience that we just cannot shake but most of the time it us just a hint or a glimpse of things that we hear or see during our normal course of life. We have a notion, but we are unable to recall anything as the memories are not strong enough.

But if we are indeed seeing and hearing things of the past, of our past, constantly on a daily basis, then there must be some mental and emotional connotations to those perception, even though we are not conscious about them. And as time goes by, I believe that this longing for where we were, makes us feel that we do not belong where we are. It will cause significant emotional distress over a period of time, specially since we are unaware about where these feelings of anxiety and longing are coming from. We are missing home, but we don’t know that we can’t go back, because we don’t know where home really is.

I believe that this cognitive dissonance is what might be causing this feeling of being lost in many teenagers in the world right now. maybe that is why they are so addicted to new things, because they are just trying to get away from anything that reminds them of the Old things and the Old them. Now, this is not obviously a conscious course of action on their part, and we encourage this as well. Because after all, the world does not go backwards, and what this is…is Progress…right?



Thushan Jayaratne
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)

I joke about everything and write about some of them. Human Racist and Politically Incorrect. Life is a Punny affair.