That Midweek Corporate Slump

Kory Wagner
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)
3 min readJul 28, 2021
Photo by Leo Manjarrez on Unsplash

I am pretty sure that by now everyone has seen that commercial with a camel walking around an office yelling “Hump Day!” celebrating the fact that it is the middle of the week and another day closer to the weekend.

While this is true, it is another day closer to the weekend, it does reinforce the fact that as a society we have accepted the programing that many of us sell a majority of our time just to have two days of rest and relaxation.

However, those two days may be spent having fun and making memories or they could be spent doing all of the things that you were unable to get done during the week. The fact is you sold a majority of your time just to afford to either have fun, make memories or do all the other work and upkeep of your life for just two days.

Needless to say, you made it to the midweek point and feel nothing. You really don’t care about the upcoming weekend, the excitement of it being midweek is lost on you as it is just another day that you must spend living the corporate lifestyle and your personal to-do list gets longer and longer. Needless to say, you are in a slump, and the fact that everything around us has pretty much been set up for us to support corporations and their missions may be playing a role in this.

At this point there is no cure-all for this thing called a slump, it is something that a majority of the population has to deal with but there are things you can do for yourself to help escape the midweek doldrums.

  1. Take the day off; this is something not all of us can do but it might be nice to plan a day off midweek to break up the monotony of it all. No matter what the work that you do will be there when you get back, really, it is not going anywhere.
  2. Break the day up; take your hump day in chunks, go out for a walk, go out and grab a cup of tea or find someplace quiet to hide and read a book.
  3. Reach out to friends and ask for a hard rock emo playlist to rock out throughout the day!!! (this may only be me but trust me it helps.)
  4. Take some time to work on one of your hobbies for a little bit, this reminds of that I am human and not just a corporate robot.

Whatever you do breaking up your day will help to make this slump a tad more bearable.

If you can’t do any of these things just try to get up and stretch, it is not going to get you out of the slump but it will help you plow through the day hopefully a little more bearable.

In the end, your midweek slump could be telling you something, so you should listen if this happens every week. Feelings are signs from your subconscious trying to get your attention to either remember something or do something. Listen to yourself because you are the smartest person in the room.

