The 6 figure Sales Funnel many e-commerce brands don’t know about

A Step-by-Step process to scale your eCommerce business!

Optimus Prime
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)
11 min readFeb 18, 2021


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‘’Well, I’ve not had a new sale in three weeks, I do not exactly know what the problem is, but I don't think this is sustainable for my business’’

That was the exact statement of one eCommerce store owner I was on a call with three days ago, he was not happy about how things were going with his sales, especially how he has had to revamp his website and a host of other things!

I told him bluntly, you don't have a Product problem nor do you have a website problem — you have a marketing problem with no clear system on how to get sales.

And that is the truth for many other eCommerce business owners out there!

To get sales as an eCom business owner, you would need to focus on two things squarely; I call them the MONEY factors

  1. Quality leads/ Traffic
  2. Conversion metrics

If your thoughts and actions are on other things, you may as well kiss your sales goodbye.

But with an increased focus on these two things, you’d understand better that you need to reach out more to your target audience and convert them to paying customers!

So let's take a dive into each of them are and the impact they have on your business:

Quality Leads/Traffic

Leads are prospective people who fit into the description of your customer Avatar.

You may have watched Avatar the movie … but a customer Avatar is very different from that.

It's a laid out description of who your target customer is,

It covers demographics, desires, pain, income, everything useful about them would be embedded into the customer Avatar.

With that said, a quality lead or targeted audience/traffic are prospective customers that fit into the description of your customer Avatar.

When running a Marketing Campaign, you need to get your business in the faces of these people … I mean in their thousands!

So you target them!

In that case, you know well enough that everyone reading through your marketing material (Your Ad Copy) Fits into your Customer Avatar,

They have the interest to buy from your brand!

So how do you get a huge mass of targeted leads daily? There are two ways that I advice, they include;

  1. Organic Traffic — SEO
  2. Paid Traffic — FB, IG, Google Ads etc!

I prioritise Paid ads way more than Organic Ads because you can control and direct the demographic and quality of traffic,

And this makes it a huge benefit for e-commerce business looking to scale up pretty quickly,

But here's my recommendation — Apply them both to your e-commerce Store!

You’ve got nothing to lose but all to gain!

Conversion Metrics

Trust me when I say this, “It's not enough to reach thousands of people via your marketing campaign”

What you, as a business owner should prioritise is; How you can turn a large number of these people into customers who will buy from you.

There are a ton of ways to do that, some of them include:

  1. Copywriting
  2. Content Marketing (educate your leads on the benefits of your product, they will try it out)
  3. Price optimisation, etc

For this article, we’ll focus on Copywriting Alone and that’s because its a huge factor that determines your conversion rate!

It makes or breaks your sale!

So how do you improve the Copywriting quality on your website?

From your Web Copy to your product pages, contact us Page and down to your landing pages.

The best bet for you as a business owner, considering that you don't have time to start learning it yourself, you should look to hire someone to get it done.

You can hop on any freelance site to hire the best hands for your project, sites like

  1. Upwork
  2. Fiverr
  4. You can even hire from Social Media
  5. Or via recommendation!

But while you’re at that, it's important to note this;

Paid Ads do not assure you of a massive Sales rate, they only bring a large mass of targeted Lead to your business door (website)

Conversion Metric on the other hand is what converts these leads into paying customers!

And Direct response Copywriting is one powerful way of increasing your sales rate!

It's important to remember this!

Now, how do you channel that large mass of your target audience and lead them safely till you convert them into paying customers?

You need a sales funnel

To be more specific with you, you need a marketing system that churns out quality leads and then also converts them to buyers

How do you create one for your business?

The 6 figure Sales Funnel you’re so keen to see

Before I continue, I have a question that I would love to ask you …

Are you currently looking to increase the amount of money your business is currently making every month?

You see, whatever your answer is would depend on how important you treat what I am about to show you, Okay?

So take a close look at this picture, don't bother thinking it out, I’ll explain every phase of the funnel and how you can apply it to your business!

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As you can see, there is a lot of activity going on here.

If you have not seen this before,

This is what a sales funnel looks like in its conceptualisation stage before it's built out into the machine that gets you the sale.

If you remember what we discussed above, about Quality leads and Conversion metrics, then you are about to see them play out.

For better understanding and reference, I will break this down into Phases because that's actually what they are

The First Phase

Activity 1

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If you look keenly at the diagram above, you'd see that the first box (which is the first activity) has an acronym “T.S’’.

Well, that stands for Traffic Source — The platform where you'd get your leads from,

Although its the first activity, still that shows you how important it is for the entire Funnel;

Choosing the right source — FB, IG, Google or Pinterest is very important

You must be certain (based on research) that your target audience is right there on the platform or Target Source that you choose

Activity 2

The second Activity Is the Ad that is created and targeted to reach out to your target Audience — people who match your Customer Avatar profile!

Do you remember this statement?

Paid Ads do not assure you of a massive Sales rate, they only bring a large mass of targeted Lead to your business door (website)

That's exactly what's happening here, The Ad will drive a ton of traffic into your Website page > Your product page!

Personally, I believe at this point, if the Ads reached 1000 people and 600 clicked on the Ads link into your website, then it has done a good job!

Without any doubt, your store can not be selling dog treats and your Ads is busy targeting women who are looking to get Fat loss Supplement!

It has to be surgically targeted, You cross the T’s and dot the I’s!

Activity 3

Now at the third activity,

The leads, who at this point are on your website would engage your amazing products!

Add to cart, purchase and all that kind of stuff!

I should have said this earlier — For Success sake, ensure your products are extremely great with amazing quality!

Now back to your leads, I’ll be very honest with you at this point, of the 600 folks that hopped into your website that week, you may only register 200 sales or less!

That's a statement that backs reality!

At this point, you've got 400 folks who should have bought but didn't; Some of them may have added to cart but abandoned it, some others didn't complete purchase, the rest didn't take any action!

Now that's a lot of factors happening within your Product page/website.

But the ones that bought would be taken to a different page.

The T.Y.P, which stands for the ‘Thank you Page”

One thing about this funnel structure is that ‘’It leaves no stone unturned’’

Let's reflect a little bit on how far we’ve gone and let tie both the Quality Leads and Conversion metric factors into it.

You must have had a somewhat vivid picture about how this thing work … you can get excited, that’s fine

But here's something that you may want to affirm, how did the MONEY factor feature in this first phase?

… I'm sure you got it right, so I’ll restate your answer

In other to get Quality, targeted leads, we ensured that we chose the right platform and then created an Ad that was Laser targeted on the folks who matched our Customer Avatar profile

The conversion metric, on the Other hand, was probably the last part to play,

As soon as these possible buyers got on the website, we started talking to them (engaging them) via our web copy and product description copy.

The copy tried to engage them on the grounds that your product is beneficial to them and it solves a problem that they have!

They loved it and 200 folks bought right away across the time frame of one week!

At this point, you must have noticed one thing, that the folks that bought were lower than those who came on to the website initially

That means we’ve got a problem of conversion — there are a few things we can do but we can’t state them here!

The Second phase

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Now the second phase is much shorter — its called the email Marketing Phase

When you look at the diagram above, right on top of the website, there’s a block with the Acronym ‘’E.L’’

The acronym stands for Email List.

You should prioritise this part and I’ll show you a common and yet effective way to do this.

Activity 1

Let's say you are currently doing a 10% discount on your products,

On your website, there would be a pop-up bar asking the lead/prospect to input their name and mail to get access to the discount code!

If they go-ahead to do that, then you would want to fulfil your promise and had over the code to them

After that what happens?

Activity 2

Two common mistakes I see businesses make when they send out the first mail with the promised fulfilment

  1. They Stop, no more mails sent to the list … well, that means no more sales gotten from the list!
  2. They start selling heavily on the next couple of emails they send out!

That's so wrong,

You want to treat your prospects like the human that they are,

Here's what you should do — Build Rapport with your next mails!

One of the easiest ways of doing that is

  1. Create an Email Sequence Copy (Could be 5 emails)
  2. And offer a ton of educative value that aligns with their customer Avatar profile

Then make your first Sale request

This tells your prospect that this brand cares about me and they are not after my money!

You’ve built trust with them!

Activity 3

The last activity in this phase is straightforward,

When you make a request for any of your product, drop the link to your product page asking them to purchase Now!

Try to use a more compelling CTA copy!

Can you reflect on how the MONEY factor played out here?

My guts tell me you already have figured that out and trust me, that's amazing!

The Third Phase

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Now, if you take a close look at the diagram above, beside and beneath the Website Block

You’ll see a Block with an Acronym “R.Ad”, now that stands for Retargeting Ads!

Do you remember this statement I made above?

One thing about this funnel structure is that ‘’It leaves no stone unturned’’

You are about to see exactly how it does that!

Activity 1

When you ran the first Ad, those folks, I mean the 400 prospects that did not convert into paying customers!

Damn, I feel you may have forgotten about them, ill recap a little here

‘’Your Ads reached 1000 people, 600 prospects clicked on the Ad link and only 200 people bought”

That leaves 400 people who didn't buy!

Did you think we’ll just let them go? Nah!

We retarget them with a different Ad and get a handful of them to click back on the Ad link

Activity 2

It's important that I say this, most of your sales will come from retargeting Ads!


Well, at that point, they have already come across your business in the past, you are no longer a stranger and they are more susceptible to buying from you!

Also, some folks may have liked one product and decided to come back to buy but they may have forgotten … that's normal!

In this case, we become the good guys and helped them remember by targeting them with the same products they checked,

We do that with a special kind of retargeting Ads call Dynamic Product Ads (DPAs)

Activity 3

They click on the ads and it takes them straight to the Product Page, where they make the purchase.

And they are taken to the Thank you page!

Are you expecting me to reflect on how the MONEY factor plays out here!

Well, I’d show you just how it does!

The Quality lead/traffic again pulls the prospects (the 400 folks that didn't buy initially) into the website,

They land on the Product Page

And there, the Conversion Metric, which in this case is the Direct Response Copywriting, does its job!

So take a close look at the diagram and see how it plays out into everything we have discussed above!

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That must have been really interesting for you, right? Seeing the behind the scenes of how it all works out!

But believe me, I tried to go over everything as much as possible but failed at it!

So I created a video below where you see my black cute face as I take you through everything from top to bottom!

Does that sound great? feel free to watch if you’ve got a spare time

The 6 figure Sales Funnel you’re so keen to see

Also, if all of this seems really complicated for you to apply to your business and you’d need assistance, feel free to send a DM … I dont bite!

Wait… are you expecting a conclusion or a big takeaway?

I'm sorry, but I didn't write any!


Stay successful!



Optimus Prime
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)

DR Copywriter and Growth Marketer Helping Web3 scale with Growth Marketing Strategies. I write about Growth Marketing, Defi and Web3