The Astonishing Discovery of Imelda Marcos’ 3,000 Pairs of Shoes

A symbol of insatiable greed and ill-gotten wealth

Gabriela Francisco
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)


Photo from DepositPhotos

“You know, Mrs. Marcos, this reminds me of Cinderella,” my brother’s friend, Anna, hiccupped, as they watched a servant carry a pair of shoes and present it to Imelda Marcos. The First Lady flashed a charming smile towards my brother and Anna, forgiving her boldness. Then she nodded at the servant to hand her the shoes.

Mrs. Marcos was familiar with them. My brother’s choir performed for President Marcos and his wife several times since they were their current favourite performing group, a song n’ dance ensemble. This time, the couple hosted a lavish party for the representatives of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) on their presidential yacht. Much dancing and merriment soaked the affair.

“Why is she changing her shoes?” Anna whispered, her eyes squinting with too much wine and champagne.

“To match her new gown,” my brother whispered back. It was early in the evening, right before dinner. Imelda flaunted a new attire before each meal. This was the fourth dress of the day so far.

“Why? Did she spill food on her dress?” Fatigue was evident in Anna’s slur. They had been performing since breakfast.



Gabriela Francisco
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)

💗Gabriela Francisco. ✍️Poet. 📗Avid storyteller. 🔆Sunset Chaser. 🐩Poodle lover. 📷Photographer. 🏝Beach walker.