The Backlash of Los Angeles’ Social Choices

Lorik Gagica
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)
6 min readNov 15, 2020


I always said that L.A. is the worse place in the Western World. It had, and still has issues linked with urbanism, nature, segregation, and social injustice. And those issues have been brought to the fore by a popular uprising, essentially by non-dominant communities in the Los Angeles area such as African-Americans and Latin Americans. They are the ones that suffer the most from injustices. In this article, you’ll be aware of the repercussions that happened in L.A. because of the accumulation of problems it engendered.

World War II was the major turning point for African Americans in the United States. The industrial demand in areas like the war industry was so enormous that more and more people had to be hired. Thus, jobs that required low qualifications and a large labor force opened the doors to African Americans and women, people who were denied access for a long time.

African-Americans were also able to benefit from the creation of the Fair Employment Practice Committee, which established a rule, the Executive Order 8802 (signed by the US President, Franklin Roosevelt), which formally prohibits racial discrimination in employment in federal agencies and wartime defense industries. As a result, the arrival of African-Americans in Los Angeles has increased. Subsequently, the employment of African-Americans in Los Angeles increased in several economic sectors, mainly in manufacturing. The enactment of the Civil Rights Act in 1964 was an important factor in reducing racial inequality for African Americans…



Lorik Gagica
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)

BSc & MA in Urbanism, Politics and Sociology || Tech aficionado || The more you know, the less they fool you. That’s why I like to share knowledge.⁣