The Big Blue Sky Makes You Brave


Photo Credit: Frankie Lopez on Unsplash

High clouds, dusty roads, and relentless sun.

Gravel, treacherous plants, and Gila monsters.

Javelinas saunter with babies in tow.

Quail chirp, coyotes sing, and doves nestle in the trees.

Fifty-mile visibility as we watch the monsoons sweep the desert floor.

The smell of wet mesquite trees fills our nostrils and the thunder makes us jump and laugh.

Hot pink sunsets fade to purple and red.

The silhouettes of the mountains disappear with the sun.

The stars emerge and we find our favorite constellations high in the sky.

The Sonoran Desert is magic and the big blue sky makes you brave.



Kit Campoy
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)

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