The Concepts of “Capitalism” and “Socialism”: a Great Delusion.

Vladimir Anisimoff
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)
4 min readApr 21, 2021

It’s all about monetary surplus value.

Traditionally, capitalism is understood as the structure of society when everyone must somehow create his own capital (fund), and then, having received it, live in accordance with the size of this capital.

In short, under capitalism, the main idea of life is the unrestrained concentration of money and material resources in one hand.

Traditionally, socialism is understood as the structure of society when everyone must work for some mythical society and receive some material benefits in accordance with their contribution to the common mythical nationwide product.

Hence under capitalism the main — personal capital, under socialism — guaranteed “ration” of something. These are abstract definitions. In reality, socialism is now understood as a socially oriented state — the rights of citizens to public medicine, public education, parties, rallies, communities, etc.

But everyone forgot that the same basis is involved in all this. The basis of all this is the same — the surplus exchange value. Karl Marx, having written a bunch of wastepaper, gave birth to one, but a super idea — a person’s life in Society is determined by surplus exchange value (otherwise surplus value).

However, according to the laws of nature, if somewhere something has increased, then somewhere something has decreased. It is a fact! Thus, in any modern society (capitalism, socialism, come on!) the usual redistribution of material goods occurs. If we take into account that not a single state is closed, then using this surplus value, the inhabitants of one state actually redistribute the lives of people from third countries in their favor.

Now the most important thing is that the mechanism of all this lies in the banking system, which has officially revived throughout the world as Usury. More recently, about 500 years ago, “usurers” were often considered criminals and sentenced to death.

Usury (the modern global banking system) produces virtually nothing. The modern global banking system is all about capturing surplus value using printed (or now by mining cryptocurrencies, etc.) private money (private central banks, including the Federal Reserve) of really smart and creative people who really create this surplus value. The surplus value robs all other people in the world. It is a fact! At the same time, this cleverly creates the illusion of an engine of progress and as if providing people with satisfactory living conditions. But unambiguously this is done exclusively in favor of banks and super capitalists, of which there are already a few.

But the “capacity” of redistribution is gradually being exhausted. Even if you borrow money without usury, there will always be a system of redistribution of wealth through the mechanisms of obtaining surplus value.

Therefore, VAT is recognized as the most correct tax. Using VAT, we can return a little (in real welfare states) to those who produce this added (surplus) value. But the reality is that getting into the Treasury this money becomes beyond the control of anyone except those who managed to get close to the feeding trough. And these are any Governments of any states. Where will they send this money? Some of them will send money to their “pockets”, and some of them will send it all the way to workers through social services. But!!!

All this proves that there is no difference between Capitalism and Socialism. Everything lies in the Psychology of people! If we take a certain Ideal Very Correct and Honest person as the basis for consideration, then under any system (capitalism or socialism) everything will be Fair. But nowhere, in any kind of living objects that Nature gave birth to, Nature has not produced such Ideal Very Correct and Honest creatures. Everywhere we see the merciless absorption of some creatures for the sake of other more cruel and powerful creatures. But at the same time, we observe that the communities of opposite creatures do not disappear from the face of the planet. Therefore, Nature has found a balance! So why have people who consider themselves the super brain of the planet have not yet found this balance!?

The sad conclusion is that all people are different. All of them are born in different conditions, they all have different opportunities for their development and implementation in a particular sphere of life. Initially, everything is unfair! So why do we dream of making everyone equal? This is impossible by the definition of Life.

So, the poet said.



Vladimir Anisimoff
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)

I'm a scientist-physicist, composer, philosopher-agnostic, writer. Now I'm retired and more of a writer than anything else.