The Definite Express.js Stack in 2020

Markus Hanslik
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)
18 min readSep 16, 2020


© Markus Hanslik

Here are the most important parts of every production-ready Express stack — regardless of whether you already have an app in production, or are starting up, follow these pointers to make sure your app will be able to scale team-wise and user-wise.

A note for people picking Express for the first time

If you are developing a small application, want to have full control, understand how everything is put together, or have requirements that do not fit well with traditional APIs, Express is well-suited for the job.

However, if you are planning on developing a straightforward REST API or GraphQL endpoints, and are okay with learning a new library to get a lot of help out-of-the-box, you should at least spend a few hours before picking Express and look into higher-level alternatives for your use case, such as Feathers, Loopback, HAPI, NestJS, Sails.js, or others.

For many use cases, they provide a lot of tools out-of-the-box and reduce the boilerplate you will end up creating with Express, and at least the popular libraries often are simpler to maintain and update than individual packages stitched together.

If, however, you need full control of your code, have use cases not covered by other tools such as multi-tenancy, want to understand in great…



Markus Hanslik
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)

writes about web development, starting up, and managing projects and people.