The Deities of Power

Image by George Pagan III ( On Unplash)

Our destinies, still not our own
As our deities of power patronize themselves
In styles long wish in their gluttony
Spirited to their inner fate — humanity doomed
Our deities, well pleased with their performance
In mansions built with our money
And apparel bought with our blood
They claim to their splendour nothing but praises.

Today, another day to densify our grandeur
Painfully gaining nothing less than repeated promises
Even when they know that nothing is happening
They still lie in styles by their inactions and actions
In their comfort, they feel we are fools.

Our deities of Power
When we rise against their behaviours
They label us as enemies of state
I have wonder who an enemy of state is
We who yearn for a better country
Or you who steal from a better country
Leaving us to fend on the dried ground where nothing exists.

The deities of power
Well positioned by systemic design
To fit in the very slavery, we live
And when we question their actions
They vent their wrath on our poor bones
Using our men in uniform, sometimes our women too
How I wish these deities never existed.

Here we are again
Weakened judiciary
once serving the hope of our nation
Our homes, offices and private spaces
all raided in the name of keeping peace
their kept serenity is the abuse of our being
elections fake or stolen, never come to annulment
with cynicism and rot set in our land
only us remain the victim of our deities.

Today, rise another saviour
Who promised the unemployed, heaven and earth
The new saviour’s head above the stockade
A bravery that is curbed by wrath and pain
Harassed daily, but population worried if there is any future
And in our own confused choices, we remain doomed.

Oh! Deities of Power,
You console us daily
singing the freedom Anthem and rhymes
But we feel the anarchy melted on us by your wrath
Day in, day out, we are prey to thy fate
Families lost in chain and the long-awaited betterment
is lost on the way — we remain ruined- when do you bring us true hope?



M Sahr Nouwah- The Hunter’s Grandson
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)

Using poetry and storytelling to challenge issues affecting women and children within modern society, focusing on human development and fighting poverty.