The Diary of The Lost World

The diary was found in 2052 in one of the empty coffee places somewhere in London. The author is unknown.

An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)
3 min readOct 30, 2020


Photo by Mason Jones on Unsplash

November 2020

(My words won’t be popular, some of you will hate me for it. However, I must say it, I must express my thoughts, otherwise, I might go mad.)

We are losing our freedom- the only thing we have against dictatorship! It seems that we are becoming too cosy with the idea of giving up our inherited right of being free. The current control of the government is overreaching, a confusing tool to disguise their incompetence and lust for uncontrolled power. They feed us with confusing, contradicting messages to make us unsure of what is right and what is wrong. They decided to pay our salaries to make us poorer and be dependant on them. If I can see through their deceptions why the majority of educated, well-read people can’t see it? The government pushed people into the place of fear and indifference. It must be changed as soon as possible, we don’t have much time left, otherwise, it will be too late.

The elected politicians became slogan talking marionettes spiting nonsensical words through TV screens telling that the reason they must restrict our freedoms because there is a natural disaster on our streets killing us. The mortality rate is less than 1% of the worlds death rate, any thinking person would question the reasons why the government wants us to be locked in our houses. Is the government trying to hide their incompetence behind this or do they have different plans? How far are they going to take this?

The talking heads on TV screens have their agendas and those agendas are not our agendas, they are not interested in our freedoms, they are interested in their business dealings, their sense of pride and their position in the political/economical class, these people don’t talk in our name. We must oppose them as soon as possible or we are finished.

We must talk to each other, we must point out their incompetence and their lust for control.

The artists stopped creating-machines replaced them. Kids stopped laughing- they are too absorbed playing with the machines.

No one is talking to each other, we hide our faces behind the masks with smiling faces. We are afraid of each other.

December 2020

Tomorrow they will announce that singing and dancing is forbidden( it is dangerous to others, they will say). They haven’t come up with an idea of how to ban writing but I don’t fool myself, I know it’s coming. We have no painters left. Poets are locked in mental institutions. We lost!

January 2021

(The last entry in the diary.)

We are born, we live, we get sick and old, and we die, it is a circle of life it’s been like that and it will be like that- sickness and death is the part we have to go through- there is no other way. We must accept that, we can’t hide from it, there isn’t more prevalent truth than that…

