The Few

Holding sacred space for The Many


Words unspoken work not done,
quietly sifting, sorting, gathering,
sacred objects placed upon alter.
Call to the seven winds,
generational, ancestral, mystical,
saving seats for acting council members.

Smoky Joe merging souls,
intention squared, constructed, presented,
shape-shifting time-traveling required.
Spirit lifting carrying to the lower,
pleading, begging, merciful,
brother bear receives forgiveness.

Crying out yet another,
angry, frightened, fragmented,
lost forgotten ways.
Come sit, inner healing circle,
drifting, carrying, awakening,
sight unseen forever spotted.

Returning from fires bloviating thought,
cleansing, purifying, consecrating,
burned ash, sanctifying breath.
Ancestors spoken truths,
extending, arisen, bequeathed,
whispers the ancients acquiesce.

