The Haze

Jessica Giannone
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)
2 min readFeb 17, 2021


Photo by Simon Berger on Unsplash

The haze
It obscures the path so vast
A daze
Unsure how long it will last

Ever murky; unclear
Who’s to say what purpose it serves?
The unknown equals fear
But the other side remains preserved

That’s the trick
It’s a subtle veil that covers the dark
It appears thick
Yet it blankets the dormant spark

This blur
Not obstructing; just there
To deter?
In reality, it’s thin as air

A halt
To slow the pace in wild waters
A precious vault
The vague protects us from the horrors

This muck
We can’t tell how far it goes
With luck
We may never know

We change course
But the fog isn’t contained
There’s a source
The ingredients remain

Truth eludes us
Confusion sets sail
Dread subdues us
Visions prevail

However dimmer
We need to remember the haze subsides
There’s a glimmer
With all that surrounds us, the tract is wide

A fight
There’s beauty in “bit by bit”
A guiding light
There’s always something outside of it

To evade?
That will leave us no finding
Relish shade
Sometimes the sun is blinding

It’s not just what’s inside, but beyond
It all makes up an eternal bond

Like a circle
Night turns to day
It’s a hurdle
But it’s still the way

It shifts, but the constant is you
The haze is nothing you can’t walk through

