Pandemic Reflections

The Last Flight, My First LDR And A Life-in-between as The World Came To A Standstill

A full year of connections and separations

Yan Huang
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)
9 min readMar 20, 2021


Image credit: Author’s own

I arrived home on 10th January 2020, after a 7-week trans-American solo travel from the Eastside to the Westside. Unbeknownst to me from that day on, it will not only change my life but also that of the world. The very next day on 11th January marked the first known death case of Covid-19 in Wuhan, China.

The trip was meant to be a sabbatical for me as I was feeling burnt out in my working life and resigned from my previous job. I traveled minimalist-style, mostly couch surfing at my friends’ places, fully enjoying my “mental holiday” by soaking in the variety of experiences collected. It was an overall rewarding trip as I charged on 2020 with a sense of hopeful spirit and renewed energy.


The days leading to my final departure from Sea-Tac airport had me unpacking quite a lot of the sights and people encountered. I remembered on my returning 30-hour long flight from San Francisco to Singapore, something was stirred up in me with the way how the airline industry operates, in particular with onboarding passengers.



Yan Huang
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)

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