The Law of the Conservation of Matter

An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)
2 min readOct 5, 2020
Photo by Tony Dearwester on Unsplash

I am holding a newborn baby boy in the crook of my arm. Its late, late at night and I am standing outside on the front lawn of the house. The house glows a golden light, silhouetting me for anyone that is near. The baby is sleeping peacefully, nestled against my body for warmth. I watch his chest rise and fall rapidly as if he has begun a marathon, which I suppose, he has.

He begins to stir, stretching and flexing his fingers, trying to get used to this new skin. In an attempt to lull him back into a deep sleep, I walk slowly around the yard. I look up at the stars, there are no city lights or clouds to impede my view. There are millions of them and millions more that I cannot see.

The Law of the Conservation of Matter states; that matter cannot be created nor destroyed. All the matter that exists now, existed at the beginning of time its just been rearranged, recycled and reused.

I look down at his face. This little breathing, beating, body of a boy is composed of stardust and the great legends and heroes of the past.

May he have the humbleness of the Common Man,
The work ethic of a peasant from half a thousand years ago,
The confidence of an Egyptian Pharaoh
and the kindness of the Son of God,
with an individuality all his own.

A thousands lives had to live just for him to be born.

May he live with the sagacity of each one.



An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)

I write little observations about everyday happenings that offer a unique perspective