Anoma Behal Baste
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)
1 min readMar 7, 2020


Photo by Tim Foster on Unsplash

The Light

There is a Light, at the end of the tunnel,

At the other side, is what we seek,

A kiss for the tempted, a rose for the exempted, a prize for the meek.

But then, there are the fearless,

For whom there is no tunnel,

There is no beginning nor end,

There is no linear path to defend.


There is a perforated glass walkway,

Which begins and ends the same way,

From night, into day.

A loop so infinite , drenched with wisdom some say:

Encased, yet open

Contained, yet free

A path, yet a field,

A life, yet a shield,

Quiet, like solitude.

Now realize , yet imagine,

In the End,

The light you seek, has always been deep within.

  • Anoma Baste
Photo by Matthew Hamilton on Unsplash



Anoma Behal Baste
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)

Published Poet/Author , Creative, Consultant, Architect, Writer, Thinker, Seeker, Traveler, Entrepreneur - Based in Singapore.