The many things AI needs…

To become the next thing.

Keno Leon
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)
12 min readAug 26, 2020


It is always interesting to think about the next thing in AI, will it be something incremental or will it be something entirely different ? I like to think about the latter (but let’s briefly touch on the former) before moving on.

Incremental advances: The easy prediction here is to take current AIs/products and assume that they will gradually become better at what they do.The top tier of such current products are prediction AIs that employ Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) and algorithms for things like weather prediction, bureaucratic interactions, mundane tasks like search, not so mundane tasks like object detection, driving a car and so on, if this prediction ages well we will become a more efficient species in many aspects but we will also need to reorganize ourselves accordingly.If for instance self driving cars become predominant, the car industry, government and those affected by the loss of human jobs will need to adapt.

“It’s hard to make predictions — especially about the future.”

Robert Storm Petersen

Here’s the thing, we have a really mixed track record on predicting the future of technology, so rather than fantasize about something that…

