The Original Influencer Was In The Garden Of Eden

Thushan Jayaratne
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)
2 min readFeb 25, 2021
The Original Influencer was in the Garden of Eden

I have been thinking a lot about ‘Influencers’ lately. NO, not anyone in particular and NOT in the way that I am ‘supposed to’ (fortunately or unfortunately).

I was thinking about Who influenced me when I was growing up, who is influencing me now, who influenced history, who influenced people in the last 100 years, the last 1000 years etc.

When I kept going back, I remembered the story of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. Turns out that (among other things), this was also the #genesis of #influencermarketing

This is my Fun Insight on it. Apologies in advance if I happen to offend anyone or any doctrine, it is NOT my intention;

* The GARDEN of Eden; Is now the Jungle of ‘Instagram’. where everything and everyone IS Perfect and LOOKS perfect, and of course, you can run around half-Naked
* The SNAKE; is mode day ‘Influencer Marketing’. Drawing our attention to products and services that will make us perfect like the people in Garden.
* EVE; is the oblivious ‘Consumer’ aka You and Me. Eve is just ‘browsing’ around the ‘Garden’ for things to ‘Consume’. We Click and double tap and then move on to the next ‘Tree’.
* The APPLE; Is the forbidden ‘Content’ that we are tempted with. Along with some ‘product benefits’. Ranging from ‘all knowledge of the universe’ to the ‘benefits of having a White face’.
* ADAM; is the ‘Brand’ that assumed that bringing ‘Eve’ to the ‘Insta-Garden’ was a great idea. Only to realise that Influencer Marketing has reaped all the benefits. Adam now has to suffer the consequences of all the ‘Eves’ consuming wormed content

Hope that you like my Video made using;
- The Madness in my head
- Canva for the animations
- Splice for the Audio and final editing

The Original Influencer by Thushan Jayaratne

What do YOU think? Share your thoughts / contact me if you need #marketingcontent like this.



Thushan Jayaratne
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)

I joke about everything and write about some of them. Human Racist and Politically Incorrect. Life is a Punny thing!