How The Servicescape Shapes Customer Experiences

In the digital age, the servicescape is a little-discussed marketing topic. But for any physical business, it matters.

Daniel Hopper
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)


Restaurant servicescape
Photo by Louis Hansel @shotsoflouis on Unsplash

Servicescape is a word that is not familiar to many people.

It is an academic term for the physical environment where a service takes place.

The servicescape contributes to the quality of the customer experience.

This blog explores the servicescape of a business and how services can provide a better experience for customers.

“Physical environments, also termed servicescapes, play an important role, both positive and negative, in customers’ impression formation.” (Bitner, 1992)

What is the servicescape?

The servicescape is the physical environment where a service transaction takes place.

It facilitates the customers’ experience, but it also influences their first impressions before entering the store or interacting with a staff member. This first impression helps customers ease any discomfort of the unknown and then guides their perception and expectations of the service.



Daniel Hopper
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)

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