The Silent Whispers of our Heart

The Unseen Force Constantly Embracing Us & Setting our Spiritual Travel Goals

Photo by Kaupo Kalda on Unsplash

What are the Silent Whispers?

  • How many times in your life have you got a prior indication of something going wrong, before it actually happens?
  • How many times in your life have you subconsciously felt that the opposite person is not speaking the truth or trying to betray you, which eventually turned out to be true?
  • How many times you were saved right in time, just when you were about to fall?
  • How many times has your heart vouched (without tangible evidence) that someone or something is precisely meant for you?
  • How many times have you regretted not listening to your inner voice?

I am sure you would have experienced this at some point in your lifetime.

Quite often in our life journey, we experience silent whispers being echoed in our heart. Many a times, the voice of our mind tends to dominate and suppress the delicate whispers of our heart. Oftentimes, the noise of the external world would brutally silence those whispers.

When something is about to go wrong, there is an inner voice that notifies us in advance. I recall a recent incident when a mug placed on my table got pushed down accidently by my elbow. Just moments before the incident, something hinted that something is about to go wrong.

These are certain vibes or energy vibrations trying to communicate with us. It is an inner voice that speaks from our heart and soul. A subtle voice arising from our subconscious mind. Pay attention to the cognition of our inner consciousness in order to listen to it.

For once, muster the courage to listen to that inner voice, overriding the noise of your mind. Surrender yourself to the Universe, take that leap of faith and note the difference. When you do this, it becomes the responsibility of the Universe to make things happen.

Tune to those frequencies to decipher unspoken messages

Photo by NASA on Unsplash

The Universe’s Contract with Living Beings

The Universe is bound by the contract of intimating us in advance, before manifesting any event. It sends us the signs first, sometimes subtle and sometimes gross, at times direct and at times indirect. No eventuality or mishap comes to us unannounced, however big or small. It would always knock our door before embracing us.

At times, your inner self will impel you do to X instead of Y, because the Universe is bound to work in your bestest and greatest interests. It conspires to bestow us with the maximum benefit out of a given situation or event. This is true for every single event unfolding in our life.

Recall your angel before making a decision (big or small), listen to it and it will lead you to take the right one.

Sign Language of the Universe

The Universe speaks with us in sign language, through the medium of hints. Hints would be direct, indirect, subtle or gross. For instance,

  • Ram Charit Manas” mentions that throbbing of left body organs (especially eyelid or arm) of women is considered as an auspicious omen and throbbing of right body parts (eyelid or arm) of men is considered as an in auspicious omen.
  • Encountering a feather around us signifies that our angles are constantly protecting us.
  • Seeing the divine numbers like 11:11, 1:11, 23:45 indicates that angels are around us.

Indian scriptures have also described numerous auspicious and inauspicious omens in detail. It would be an independent subject altogether to write about.

Photo by Daniel Morris on Unsplash

The Unseen Force Constantly Embracing Us

All of us have heard of guardian angles and spirit guides. They convey such messages to us through various mediums, one of which I term as “The Silent Whispers of Heart or Soul”.

Indian philosophy hails this divine unseen power or force as Sadguru or spiritual master.

He constantly surrounds us, follows us, saves us, protects us, guides us, leads us, embraces us & takes care of us each and every moment.

  • He constantly walks with us without physical presence.
  • He sees us without eyes.
  • He hears our wishes without ears.
  • He catalyzes our success without hands.
  • He touches us without tactile sense.

Nobody has been able to discover His beginning or His end. His ways are profoundly supernatural in every sense and His glory beyond description.

Lord Adishankaracharya, A Young Ascetic, India

“Ekānte Sukha-māsyatām” (Solitude is Bliss)

Spiritual journey is all about solitude. It’s not related to crowd. Nowadays, people do not like to be alone. Even while walking, gymming etc. we listen to music. We are constantly indulged in gadgets, browsing and swiping our screens mindlessly. We don’t like being idle. This habit is drifting us away from our own self.

A young ascetic of India, Lord Adi Shankaracharya rightly says, “Ekānte Sukha-māsyatām” (solitude is bliss).

Solitude does not mean being alone, it means the state where even your own self ceases to exists (eka+ant).

Practice solitude or alone time, few minutes a day.

Set Your Spiritual Travel Goals

We set travel goals to visit amazing destinations across the globe. Today, spare a few minutes in solitude to travel inwards, within your own self and tune into the frequency of your heart.

If our spiritual journey continues, the silent whispers of our heart could be heard clearly. Perhaps, you could also make the Universe respond to your needs and wishes.

We would love to hear more about your experience in connecting with the Universe and understanding its sign language. Please share the same in the comments section below.

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