Image via Unsplash- Aaron Burden

The Surprising History of Ordinary Things

Napkins were once edible and a famous Hollywood actress invented wi-fi hotspots — just two surprising origins for items we use daily

Andrew Martin
4 min readNov 29, 2020


There are countless things that we see in everyday life that we accept without questioning why they are like they are. However, digging into the history of some of these common items reveal fascinating origins and explanations.

Why do Navy sailors wear flared/bellbottom pants?: This particular naval attire dates back at least 200 years, and came into being for very practical reasons. Sailors could easily roll up their pant legs when wading ashore or swabbing the deck without getting them completely soaked. Additionally, in the event they fell into the ocean they could quickly remove their pants to swim for their lives more freely without having to first take off their shoes.

Why were treadmills invented?: In recent years, treadmills have become part of the fitness craze, allowing people to go for walks and runs of varying lengths and difficulty without having to leave the comfort of their homes and gyms. The devices date back to the first century A.D. when they were used to help move heavy objects.

However, in 1818, William Cubit developed a treadmill with a much more sinister…



Andrew Martin
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)

Dabbler in history, investing & writing. Master’s degree in baseball history. Passionate about history, diversity, culture, sports, film and investing .