The Top Tech Tools that Every Self-Editor Needs in 2021

Chelsey Blake
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)
2 min readDec 7, 2020


Photo by Bram Naus on Unsplash

Every writer has their own unique style, but not every writer has their own editor. What online resources should you use to update your self-editing process? There are plenty of tools (both free and paid) that can enhance your editing technique and assist you on your journey to becoming a better writer.

  • Grammarly — if you don’t already have a free Grammarly account, you should! Even the free version of Grammarly helps you to identify spelling and grammatical errors that are easily overlooked during a self-review of your work. It can also help you to become a better writer as you recognize your common mistakes and avoid them in the future.
  • Online Thesaurus — a thesaurus is essential to both the writing and editing process. Did you use the same word too frequently in your piece? An online thesaurus can help you to update your terminology, expand your vocabulary, or refresh a sentence.
  • CoSchedule Headline Analyzer — the headline analyzer from CoSchedule is especially useful for online writers. It analyzes your title and assigns it an SEO (Search Engine Optimization) score. If your headline doesn’t receive the score that you had anticipated you can easily replace a word or change the headline structure to improve the rating.
  • MOZ Keyword Explorer — the MOZ keyword explorer…



Chelsey Blake
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)

Owner, Blake Creative LLC | Faith | Mental Health | Marketing | Entrepreneurship | Find me online