The US Already had a First Female President and You’ve Never Heard of Her

Kat Merry
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)
5 min readAug 30, 2020


Anything he could do, she could do better — & you won’t find it in history books.

Image from PBS courtesy of Library of Congress

It had been a tough decade for Edith Galt. She found out she couldn’t bear children, her husband croaked unexpectedly, and to top it all off she was a gal living in the early 1900s…so, she had no rights.

A sassy, educated 30-something year old, she‘d be damned if ‘widow’ would be her identifier. So, she paid off her late husband’s debt, hired someone to take over his jewelry business, and stuffed her hobble skirt with the money left in her hubby’s will.

With a little extra cash she was ready to get out of dodge (Washington DC) and do some soul searching. She decided to take a European vacation. She toured beautiful cities and met interesting people- very eat, pray, love.

Fresh off her travels, a bronze tint on her cheeks, and a belly full of foreign cuisine, she was more confident than ever, ready to get back in the dating game in DC again.

Edith had become well connected in her community and these connections had somehow let her to an introduction of a lifetime. She would meet the President of the United States of America, Thomas Woodrow Wilson.



Kat Merry
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)

eat, sleep, write // & i sprinkle in some mom stuff, too.