The When, How & Where of our Dreams

Synchronizing with the Universe’s Frequency.

When we make a wish, we mentally restrict it within the dimensions of When? How? and Where?

  • When will our wish get fulfilled?
  • How will it get fulfilled?
  • Where will it get fulfilled?

As a result, our wishes remain within the boundaries of When, How, Where.

The When, How and Where Triangle

For once, when you make a wish release it unconditionally in the Universe.

The Universe is eagerly waiting to grant our wishes. It’s exorbitantly generous in giving. It’s constantly blessing us and incessantly bestowing compassion. It’s gratifying & nourishing our inner self every moment.

Empty your heart and mind, and let the Universe fill you up. Give some space to let the divinity download into you.

Trust the Universe and surrender, to feel the difference.

Let’s #MakeSpiritualityViral.

(Source of Idea: My spiritual mentor)

#Buddha #Socrates #Plato #Mahavir #JesusChrist #SanatanDharma #India #Spirituality #Religion #Wellness #Dreams #wishlist #surrender #Philosophy #compassion #trust #universe #frequency #vibration



India’s Spiritual Connect
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)

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