The Written History of a Modern Slave.

Jose L Romero
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)
3 min readOct 27, 2016

A true story of a Modern Man…

The Written History Of A Modern Slave Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

I walk among you like a robot. Staring aimlessly into what is in front of me. Not a thought crosses my mind except what it is I need to do today. Looking forward to wasting eight hours a day making your Master rich!

You toil away as you spend your best days locked up in a Corporate Building! The same thing happens to me day in and day out. Not much changes. The gears in my mind slowly rust away since we just operate on impulse rather than analytically.

The other robots are content with living their lives like this! You see further for some reason past the distractions and turmoil past the propaganda and the misleading.

Out there in the horizon you feel that there is more!

Then in my modern mind a little voice continues to ask the same question everyday.

“Is this what life is all about?”

I ignore that voice thinking its just a glitch from the latest download sent down from our Masters.

As I move around this world the weight of my imaginary chains weigh me down. This could be the reason why I’m so tiered and irritable.

The Masters crack their whip to make you produce more. Like a good little robot you continue to produce more and more. Even though you can barely catch up you still work because robots are loyal to their Master. You continue to work long hours which affect your family life. Your wife does not know you nor do your kids.

You produce and produce more. Sometimes other robots break down and are quickly replaced with a new one.

It seems like the more you accomplish your work the more it seems they pile more work for you to do.

You stare at the big clock waiting desperately to leave. To get home before traffic builds up.

I get home to only have a few hours of rest and to spend with my family since my commute is long and arduous.

My batteries are slowly running out as years pass. The shiny metallic coat I used to have has lost its luster. Certain parts are not working as well as they should and sometimes I need to visit a tech to look me over.

Sun comes up and sun goes down. A new day begins and a new day ends but the routine is the same everyday. I become comfortable with living like this I guess. As the little voice continues to tell you that there is more to life than this!

But you have been programmed to follow the rules that your Master or Masters have given you. In order to change the rules you must have a complete overhaul.

But who has the time for that?

So like every other robot in the crowd you continue to work and toil for your Master.

Years pass as you remember your youth and realized how much time you wasted. Sure you were able to buy the things you were told that make you valuable but to be honest i feel more empty than I did before.

As I look in the mirror my once shiny body is full of dents and dings as well as rust. My hydraulic system circulates poorly through my system thanks to the cheap fast Gas that I eat. My gears creek and whir with wanton abandon.

I don’t care anymore..

One day this will all end! And when it does I will be discarded and forgotten about.

I’m not feeling well…

What is happening!

My system is failing!

I’m not read……………..

If you would like to add any COMMENTS please do so below! Also please follow me Joselromero



Jose L Romero
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)

Veteran| Computer Geek| Writer| Self Improvement| Life101| Being Better LinkedIn: Quora: