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This is How You Pursue a Rich Life and Avoid the Stressful Status Trap

- The one key to unlock the secrets of living a life from within

Marcus Mohlin, Dr
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)
5 min readFeb 27, 2021


I was abhorred and simultaneously fascinated by the statements he made: I am not earning enough! I deserve more money! There is no status in the job I do!

It was a few days after Chinese New Year, we were sitting on a large privately rented boat in the Mekong river, just off Phnom Penh, overlooking some poor Cham fishermen while they were emptying their nets. Their catch of the day was a few dreary fishes, probably tasting more of river mud than of fish.

Our table, on the other hand, was full of new years delicacies: beautiful small and perfectly round meatballs, smoked sausages and delicate pickled herring imported from Europe, exquisite rolled up cured salmon, a wonderfully cooked ham and an absolutely stunning potato gratin made by our household helper and cook. There were also a few bottles of champagne and soda water as well as numerous cans of beer and what seemed to be an infinite number of sodas for the children.

I was shocked by hearing his outburst, especially at that particular moment.

The guy, a middle aged surgeon working at a leading western university hospital, probably did not see what I saw at that…



Marcus Mohlin, Dr
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)

Writing about life in general and just trying to be a good parent, husband and friend