Three Simple Exercises To 10x your Problem-Solving Mind And Completely Reshape Your Life
Rewriting your history, finding your centre and creating space for Blue Sky Thinking.
The Problem:
Sometimes there are moments in life where the motion of existence can feel so turbulent that it’s hard to understand your best course forward. At these moments, it can feel hard to step back and regain control of everything.
Why does this happen?
Sometimes the influences we have are actually not best suited to help us navigate this world in the best way at the point we find ourselves.
This becomes so painfully obvious when you look through your own history and see where in life you’ve messed up.
What can we do?
We know that some of the accepted ideas we hold will turn out to be wrong.
One way to expand your ideas is by reading history. Reading history can help you not just know the facts, but also to get inside the heads of people who were living and making the decisions of that era.
Another way to break up your patterns is to cultivate a sceptical approach. When you notice yourself being influenced by others, it can sometimes be helpful to stop and ask, “Is this correct, is this accurate?”