To New and Newish Teachers


How to make a career in education work for you.

Photo by Christina Morillo from Pexels

Here is the feel-good part.


Today is your day.

You’re off to Great Places!

You’re off and away!

You have brains in your head.

You have feet and shoes and whatever…

You know the rest. This is the portion of an article for educators that will provide you with feel-good platitudes for choosing the world’s most noble profession. There is no doubt that it is fabulous that you have chosen to be a teacher. If it were not for you in a few years we would be living in a less organized version of Thunderdome and my retirement, investments would definitely suffer.

I didn’t realize the importance of teachers in maintaining civilization until I was attending a comic book convention with my son. Yes, I am that kind of person. There, I met a comic artist of absolutely no renown who gave me an autographed poster of a comic book cover complete with scantily clad women. He asked me what I did for a living and instead of telling my standard lie that I worked in a widget factory, I said I was an educator. He wrote the following:

To Alex, Remember if you screw up it’s only our future.



Dr. Alex , The Recovering Educator
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)

Hi my name is Alex, I am a recovering educator. After more than 30 years in the educational industrial complex, I’m now thinking inside a bigger box.