Today was a good day

Oh what a relief that is!

K. Robertson
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)


Some days are harder than others and a sunny disposition is often hard to hold on. I have been struggling over the past few weeks at my new job. Some days I feel like I can’t get a grip on all I need to do. There seem to be so many competing and conflicting demands. It has been feeling like I can’t find firm footing. I constantly felt like I am failing.

Photo by Bruce Christianson on Unsplash

It is extremely unpleasant to feel like you aren’t getting the hang of things, despite your best efforts. It can be very discouraging and demotivating. Getting past that bump in the road can bring great relief. But, how exactly do you get there? I have been planning and making notes and making to-do lists. I have been adding things to my calendar. None of those things really helped me feel like I was getting a grip on the situation.

What made today different?

First off, I took a break! Not a break like a vacation, but a break from work. A real break. At the end of work on Friday, I shutdown my laptop and ignored it until the next work day. I didn’t try to catch up, despite really wanting to. I didn’t try to make a list of things I thought I needed to do. I didn’t try to get ahead of things. I didn’t do anything work related. I took a break from thinking about all things work. I believe this break helped tremendously. It…



K. Robertson
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)

I am magical. A lover of love, food and Christmas. Work? Customer retention and operations.