Top 8 Weight Loss Myths in 2022. You Might Be Living With

Urooj K
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)
5 min readApr 17, 2022

Eat This, Not That!

There are times when we feel a sudden urge to lose weight. Although your weight may influence how you think about yourself and even how others view you — body image is a small part of it. Weight management is the key to leading a happy and healthy life. Therefore, your journey to weight loss should be gradual, and a well-informed one. There is a lot of information out there, and most of it isn’t accurate. So to help you start weeding out the true from the false, I have compiled a list of the 8 weight loss myths I hear most often and the truth behind them. Have you heard about miraculous secrets to shedding pounds overnight? You might see these claims in ads or even hear about them from friends who swear by the results they’ve experienced. But be wary — in so many cases these commonly repeated weight loss myths are anything but the hidden key to reaching your weight loss goals. Here are the top eight weight loss myths that could be wreaking havoc on your weight loss progress:

Myth 1: If I work out, I can eat what I want and still lose weight

Unfortunately, no amount of crunches in the gym can undo poor eating habits. If you’re relying on fast foods and processed foods as your primary form of nutrition, working out will have very little impact on weight loss. The best results are shown to come from a combination of diet and exercise. In a perfect world, you could grab a pizza on the way home from your workout, follow it up with a scoop of ice cream, and still lose weight. But in the real world, that is not likely to happen. Weight loss is largely a matter of calories out versus calories in, and not being careful with your diet will lead to a calorie surplus and weight gain.

You can’t eat whatever you want and still lose weight, even if you exercise.

Myth 2: Workout on an empty stomach for weight loss

Working out on an empty stomach may lead to dizziness. It is because your blood sugar levels reduce, leading to muscle loss as protein is extracted from the muscle. Hence, it is best to tuck into something light and nutritious before setting out for the drill. In addition, you should have some easily digestible carbs before an intense session. You can try some pre-workout snacks, a small Kela or banana, or a bowl of oats with roughly chopped almonds and figs with a teaspoon of raw organic honey. You can even have a beetroot ginger-lime smoothie. That will do the trick. Early morning exercise before breakfast burns out your fat and calories at a very quick pace. This kick starts your weight loss endeavor and keeps you healthy.

Myth 3: Supplements help in weight loss

People believe that supplements in powdered form, shake, and liquid fillers can help you lose weight. It is a myth; supplements might give you a boost of energy at that needed time, for example, a pre or post-workout. But you cannot solely depend on these for weight loss. Weight loss supplements aren’t a magic bullet, unfortunately. There are a lot of myths surrounding these drugs, and it’s essential to understand a few things. Everyone’s body reacts differently to a drug. Also, if you have other conditions like diabetes or high blood pressure, some supplements can be downright dangerous when combined with other medications.

Myth 4: Starving and skipping meals helps in weight loss

It is an absolute myth that starving and skipping meals may speed up your weight loss journey. No matter what fad diets may claim, starving and skipping meals is not a sustainable weight-loss strategy. You can keep yourself away from food only to a certain extent. Once you break, you tend to eat anything and everything that comes your way in a greater quantity. That leads to a calorie overload. So instead, do eat at regular intervals. This way, you remain satiated for more extended periods, and you keep a safe distance from those fried and fattening foods.

Myth 6: Fasting is a shortcut to weight loss.

I have good news and bad news. The bad news is, that fasting doesn’t help you lose weight quickly. The good news is, that fasting doesn’t help you lose weight quickly, so you don’t have to do it! Go ahead and eat lunch! The truth is, fasting can be counterproductive if you want to lose inches quickly. First, it makes you cranky and (as we mentioned before) might produce some unpleasant body odors. Second, it may lead to dehydration which simultaneously makes your body look puffy and your skin look wrinkled (gross). Third, all those tricks that are supposed to help suppress your appetite, like chewing gum or drinking diet soda might actually make you swallow air and, you guessed it, puff up.



Urooj K
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)

I love writing about a life experience as well as topics that interest me.