
Maruti Naik
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)
2 min readJul 25, 2020
Image — Ajay Arun Takalkar

There is a small incline in the road between my village, Shiroda and Bori (Goa). One night while travelling back home with my brother on someone’s scooter, I experienced something absolutely magical, at that spot.

It was a clear night, not a cloud in the sky; the moon holding court with countless stars. As we straddled the top of that incline, a still sky stretched out in front of us; almost as if we were stepping into the stars. Just for that briefest of moments. Since then, I have travelled many a time on that road. Somehow that moment never came back. I guess that's why we should treasure experiences, write them down somewhere and tell our friends about it. For those moments in our lives happen just but once.

Have you ever been able to see “the rain rolling in”.

It happened to me once. I was fishing at the “Mhoos” near my village. Must be just around the onset of monsoon. First, the wind changed to a cool breeze. The sun dominated by angry dark clouds retreated but did not give up. A few stubborn rays of sunshine still managed to break that cloudy cover. The smell of the earth hit me; a strange, muddy, salty smell. And then, across a vast expanse of paddy fields, I saw a small bunch of clouds moving towards me. They were not alone; they brought rain. It was nature at its very best. Fishing forgotten completely, I watched as the clouds rolled in, the temperature dropping by the second. The first of the raindrops hit my face and stayed on like a friend meeting you after long. Drenching me completely and finally moving on. Just like that. Something like a conversation between friends which does not have the limitations of time, status or intellect. No real purpose; it just happens. Finally, those stubborn rays of sun finally breaking the confines of the clouds. A sunbath to follow a drenching. Two seasons in an hour.

I guess it is important to live in the moment, not plan too much and generally allow life to slow down. Too much rushing around does not let us experience the moment — let alone remember it. Reaching for the phone to “capture” the moment, in my opinion, simply kills the moment. Let your heart capture the memory.

No safer vault than the heart.



Maruti Naik
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)

I write to remember. I write to remain honest. I write to leave a bread crumb trail for my daughter. I write to relax. Trying to impress my better half, I write