Use Common Sense When Starting To RunYour Own Business

Kory Wagner
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)
2 min readApr 13, 2021

I have been working for companies for quite a while now, not as long as some but that does not mean I have not picked up on a few things here and there.

I believe that the most important thing I have learned from watching others run either their own business or someone else's business is that the majority of these folks do not use common sense. People are either in the race to make a quick buck, sell off their business or please the board that is funding the entire operation.

I am here to say that there is a way to do all of those things and not look like a crazed maniac or appear to the company that you are grasping at straws.

  1. Have a goal in mind, one or two company goals at that max. Don’t create too many goals that you are spreading yourself and your teams too thin, each department can have the same number as long they are supporting the company goals.
  2. Build the plan to reach your goals!
  3. Don’t overcomplicate your processes, with every tool you purchase that tool is going to have its own way of how it should be used. Determine what the heart of the operation is and then spawn off from there.
  4. Assign dates and actions to everything!!! Without this, you will end up starting and stopping things and delaying the process. Also if it not worth an action item with a completion date is it really worth your time.
  5. Don’t listen to all the garbage that you will find on LinkedIn, Twitter, Youtube, or anywhere else that dishes out so much conflicting advice it will make your head spin.
  6. Find your circle of influence and follow your gut.
  7. At the end of the day if you can’t K.I.S.S (keep it simple stupid) don’t do it.
  8. Have fun!

I am going to leave this as it is as to not overcomplicate things and there is really is nothing more other than Use Common Sense People.

