Voices in my head.

you decide your future.

Nidhi M.
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)
2 min readNov 12, 2020


Photo by Nathaniel Shuman on Unsplash

There was a voice,
pulling me towards itself,
Like magic cast upon my head.

It was astonishingly familiar,
I knew it like the back of my hand.
And yet couldn’t recognize,
as there was something it tried to hide.

I wanted to reach out,
wanted to uncover the truth,
being a little too scared as I was,
Neither tried nor could I follow it’s route.

Something inside me was left unchecked,
an endless curiosity,
and a will to look for a threat.

Could it be a demon,
Trying to mislead me from my destiny?
That was the thought,
which didn’t occur to leave me.

And yet I was attracted to it,
surprisingly more day by day.
Should I really leave everything?
And try to listen to what it says.

Why do I keep going to it,
could it be what I want instead?

I will try to figure out,
there’s no reason I should wait.
There’s nothing that I’m losing
Nothing around me is what I wanted anyway.

So what if I’m met with a ghost,
So what if I’m pushed towards pain,
I don’t care,
As long as I am pulled out of living in vain.

And when I followed it,
found out its purpose.
You would not believe me,
when I say,
It was me all long.

It was my urge,
to run away and not to hide,
that screamed, shouted,
and dragged me towards another life.

A life with possibilities,
one so uncertain.
But it is what I wished for,
there’s nothing to complain.

Living on my own terms,
telling from real to fake,
there’s nothing more I ask for,
and I am grateful,
that I listened to what I wanted to say.



Nidhi M.
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)

I am here to share my thoughts and just live in the moment. Meet me at my blog http://www.thecaffables.com