WALK — The Game Changer !

An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)
5 min readOct 12, 2020

A healthy life entails healthy habits which can be obtained by following a routine. Nowadays, people have become workaholics, pro at technology but are missing on an important matter which is their own health. They don’t take time out for themselves. I feel neglecting one’s health has become the new trend.

I would not lie to you, a few years ago even I used to get back home from work and was so exhausted to even get up and make a meal for myself. All I did was sit down in front of the TV, watch a series, ate take away or frozen food, surfed on internet and sleep. I was so tired of such a sloppy, lazy life. It was like a never ending episode on repeat. So I thought about starting to workout to get rid of this procrastination.

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I started looking for a good workout that would boost my energy but sagged back recalling how I failed in achieving my goals previously. I know there are many workouts but to fit them in your busy schedule is not ideal for everyone. I have had many problems while choosing a perfect workout plan for me. It either didn’t match with my schedule or I got bored in the middle of the plan and stopped it entirely, hence losing all the hard work I had done in the first few days.

But I didn’t lose hope and kept searching. Over the course of finding new workout videos online, a thought crossed my mind. I remembered an essay, we were taught in our school about how Walking was a great exercise. That is when it hit me, that what I have normally been doing is something that can change my life around.

A simple Walk was the key to set my life aright. Yes, you read it right! My go to workout is a simple Walk. While people search for new workouts every other day they forget that an efficient healthy option which they have been ignoring all this time is a Walk.

All excited, I started looking up the health benefits of walking and i was amazed with the facts. I’ll be sharing my experience of how a simple Walk has changed my life. As I gathered all the facts and started implementing them, I was so content with myself. Here is what Ihave started doing:

Morning Walk

Morning walk has worked wonders for me. I am more cheerful and energetic than before. The morning breeze calms my nerves and keeps my mind at peace. I am more focused at work. My colleagues around me kept asking me about my secret weapon, so I introduced them to my new workout plan. I have encouraged many to start their own Walking regime.

Counting steps

Counting your steps is a great motivation. Almost all cellphones have introduced an app with which you can count the steps you have taken. I downloaded it in my mobile which took me just a minute and had set an initial target of 10,000 steps. I was amazed at how fast i achieved my goal in just two and a half days. It motivated me and to beat my record I then set the target to 15000 steps.

I am so addicted to counting my steps that I even keep a tab on my little walk to the restroom. Once a target is achieved, I buy myself a gift as a reward. This concept of self love was introduced to me by one of my friends. It is so amazing as you know what you love the most and buying it as a reward gives you an extra level of motivation. It gives me a boost to do even better the next time.

I have an ongoing competition with my friends, family members and colleagues. We all set a target and try our best to beat the other one. It is really fun and a healthy activity with such great outcome.

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Walking your pet:

Walking your pet can be beneficial too. What once seemed like a chore, would now feel like a good opportunity to get out of the house and be ahead of everyone else. You just have to keep the app on while walking and there you will be done with your target in no time.

Health Benefits:

There are a lot of health benefits of Walking. I am mentioning just a few to give you an idea about how important it is to walk. Even a 30 minutes walk is sufficient to keep you active.

Researchers claim that a walk can help in keeping your heart healthy. They recommend heart patients to walk at least twice a day to avoid any further complications. A walk is also said to be helpful in maintaining blood pressure. By walking our blood circulation becomes better. It is very useful for patients of diabetes and arthritis. Walk keeps our joints strong and healthy. It is such an easy cure for so many diseases and that too free of cost.

Another major benefit of a walk is that it helps in keeping you in shape. If you’re obese and are looking for a way to reduce the extra pounds. Walk!! The best part about a walk is that it doesn’t cost you anything. You don’t have to buy a gear to start it. It’s something we all do everyday. We just need to make it a habit to gain the benefit.

I think adopting Walk as an exercise would help in many ways. Staying active, healthy and in shape are few things everyone wants nowadays. So start today and if you have a walking partner, you’ll enjoy it even more. You can compete with them or have deep conversations while walking. I believe within a few days you will notice the positive changes it will bring in your life.



An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)

Self proclaimed writer with finance and accounts background. Love to travel, workout, eat and write with a cup of hot coffee and a pinch of chocolate.