We are nothing and everything at the same time!

Silent Soul
3 min readJun 23, 2024


Photo by Greg Rakozi on Unsplash

Cool heading, right? I just realized something and just quickly thought of writing it down in the blog. I know, this will be my blog after a very long time IF I publish it ever.

Life is very weird. Sometimes, I think life is pointless and sometimes, I think there is a purpose to life in this world, obviously except the religious reasons. Most of the time I believe, our lives are not completely in our control. We sometimes try and then fall down so hard and then surrender it to something bigger than us. Something I don’t know, we can call it God if you are religious or we can call it destiny. It’s fine either way.

Yes, I know we make our lives by making the decisions in our lives. But first, think about our personality, how does it come through? Out of millions of things in the world. We just pick out things that collectively make our personality. Or we learn things from our elders, say our parents, grandparents or teachers. All this collectively just makes our personality. The funny thing is, even after teaching good things, some people just end up becoming criminals, con men, thieves, and whatnot. They were also taught good things.

I know this is very contradictory. Life is random and not random at the same time. Maybe, this is something very higher to understand. Except for enlightenment, there might not be any direct purpose in the life.

I have always thought, that realizing something and knowing something are two different things. When we realize something from deep inside ourselves. It becomes a part of us. We never forget. It may even add up to our personality. On the other hand, knowing something is just having a knowledge of something. I think there might also be some things that just subconsciously run in our minds or things we just know and never act and actually think about. When we realize the thing we have known for a very long time. It feels like an invention. It feels like a discovery. We just start and don’t even feel like stopping to think about it.

Maybe controlling our lives is just partially possible. When we are just ballin' in our lives. even for some time, we feel we can win everything, that’s the most I think I am safe to say, Accident-prone area of our consciousness. We think we can control everything in our life. This thought of ours can get over us and then at times, we just fall to our knees to surrender.

We think we are everything in our life, we are the most important character of our life. If I just treat my girl with the best of my effort and she does too. Even if we both love each other. Then We will be in the happily ever after. What if something comes up and even being true and good to each other and we end up separating? I might work hard for my exam I am confident enough that I can pass the exam with flying colors, but something might still come up in the way, maybe a fever on the day of the exam(provided I took proper care of myself so that I don’t catch a fever). Or could be any other reason. Sometimes, life takes a turn without any explanation, without any justifiable reason leaving us completely in a thoughtful state that I worked hard on this stuff, I shouldn’t deserved it and still end up losing.




Silent Soul

A Nature admirer, thoughtful, emotional thinker. Anonymous expressions of random feelings!