We Hear Your Silence

JoAnne Kao
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)
2 min readJun 5, 2020


Rev. Al Sharpton eulogy George Floyd funeral

“There is a difference between those calling for peace and those calling for quiet. Some of y’all don’t want peace, you just want quiet. You just want us to shut up and suffer in silence.” Rev. Al Sharpton

We Hear Your Silence.

Racism is real. Prejudice exists. Marginalizing another group because they are “not human” is true. Killing another person because they are Black is a fact. This is the history of America and we are responsible.

Life is easier with a scapegoat. Someone to blame, look down on, belittle and shame. Doing so conveniently justifies “Colin Powell, he came from nothing and look at what he became.”

Acknowledging this fact would mean that I have to look into myself and admit that I am a racist, that I do pre-judge and that I am wrong. Maybe if I stay silent, like I always do, things will eventually die down and go away again. I just want it to go away, I’m a good person — really, I am.

Thing is, the tide has turned and we feel it, we know it. People who were silent are no longer silent. They’ve been galvanized because enough is enough. The killing of Black men and Black women must to end now.

Traditional institutions, fashion, media, banking, real estate, tech, sports, airlines + have all made statements against the killing of George Floyd and racism. Leaders are taking a stand and instituting changes within their companies, they are calling out their white privilege. This really makes you uncomfortable, it’s putting you on shaky ground. You’re used to counting on these firms to justify yourself and your silence.

Being human is hard.

All I need to know I learned in Kindergarten (by Robert Fulghum) teaches us to be honest, decent, fair — to admit when I’m wrong and to apologize.

Being human is hard.

Which side of history are you choosing to be on?

The world is watching.

Change starts with one.

Love Wins.

