Godstime Ukah
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)
2 min readSep 18, 2020
Photo: Canva Design by Godstime Ukah

The wealthiest people are not the strongest (physically). They are those who thrive on ideas and knowledge and take the risks others wouldn’t. Wealthy people have a mentality of wealth, a mindset that attracts wealth.

Wealth is first in the mind before it enters the hand. Wealth is first conceived in the mind as a thought, then it becomes a pattern (still inside the mind) and finally finds expression outside. It is first a mentality before a personality.

As a teenager, I learned that wealth is ‘being’; not ‘having’ or ‘doing’. It is a personality that is birthed as a result of a behavioural pattern engendered by mental positioning of an individual. Wealth is the reality of a person that started as a concept in the mind of such person. It is first a conceptualization before a reality. Wealth is ‘I am’, not ‘I do’ or ‘I have’.

What we manifest to the public is mostly what we are in secret. People see your wealth when you have already harnessed your wealthy self within.

Have you not noticed? Some persons get some reasonable amount of millions but end up broke in a couple of months or years, while others get some thousands and rise to the million ladder and keep getting better. This is simply because the latter is already wealthy in mind. The thought is already patterned to produce wealth. The mind has adapted to taking ‘wealth exercises’ like constantly getting information/knowledge, coming up with new goals, learning about the money game, studying wealthy folks, investing wisely, opening more streams of income, especially passive income, etc.

The rich are not rich simply because they have better opportunities. They are rich because their mind is prepared to see and take advantage of opportunities. They know what the poor don’t. They have a mindset that the poor don’t have.



Godstime Ukah
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)

YouTuber, Writer, Crypto Enthusiast and Social Media Marketer