What I learnt from leading

5 lessons from a first-time team lead

K. Robertson
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)


In 2015, I was tasked with leading a team. I had never done this before, but it was the job at hand and I had to embrace it. Now, I had never considered myself a people person. I can’t recall ever wanting to be a supervisor or team lead. I mean, I did apply for a similar position but wasn’t successful at the time. And in hindsight I can say I am glad I didnt get it, because I don’t think I was ready at that time.

Photo by Marten Bjork on Unsplash

Anyway, I was now in charge of a small team with indirect responsibility for an even larger team. I had to learn to lead and I had to learn fast. To be honest, I wasn't thinking about being a good team lead. I was more focused on the work I had to do. I was focused on my deliverables and understanding what was required of me. Once I figured this part of the job out it was on to the hard stuff …. the people management … the actual leading.

Let’s back-track a bit. I took over the position when someone vacated the post. I didn’t have a chance to be trained by the individual. However, I was working in the unit I’d now be supervising, so I had the benefit of knowing the tasks I’d be overseeing. This really helped because I understood the make up of what would eventually contribute to my deliverables. From here, I could implement improvements and strategies that I thought would…



K. Robertson
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)

I am magical. A lover of love, food and Christmas. Work? Customer retention and operations.