What is a Communication Coach?

And how to know if you need one

Keri A. Johnson
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)


Photo by fauxels from Pexels

A Communication Coach, quite simply, is a professional who helps other professionals communicate clearly in the workplace.

As more companies diversify and international employees work together, it is crucial to understand how to communicate better to minimize confusion, misunderstandings, and even microaggressions. These misunderstandings can include informal speech, idioms, body language, and confusing vocabulary.

Why is it so difficult to communicate?

There are a lot of reasons people might have trouble communicating clearly. A few common causes are related to personality, cultural background, and language ability.

For some professionals, English is their second or third language. Others are native English speakers but have trouble making themselves heard in the saturated and fast-paced professional world.

Both groups understand the importance of clear communication and the setbacks that can follow after a misunderstanding or poorly timed comment.

What is a Communication Coach?

A Communication Coach is a guide to help people communicate better. They work closely with the client to help them see their communication…



Keri A. Johnson
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)

Writer/Communication Coach/ESL teacher, INFJ, mama of 2, cat lover, ex expat in the Pacific NW. redtilewriting.com