What You Don’t Know About The Difference Between A Growth Mindset & A Fixed Mindset Could Hurt You

Jeff Heggie
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)
6 min readOct 12, 2020


Photo by Evi T. on Unsplash

Mindset is defined as the established set of attitudes held by someone.

A lot of my recent work and research has been focused on helping people create a mindset that will allow them to achieve their goals and dreams. Using the simple definition above, that would mean that I’m helping people develop a set of attitudes that will help them achieve their goals and dreams.

There are a lot of different strategies and practices that I use to help people develop what I refer to as a Powerful Mindset. For some people, this is an easy process to follow and trust. For others, there is a lot more work involved because of doubts they have in themselves, the process, or other factors.

The intention of this article is not to go through all of the strategies and tools that we use to develop a Powerful Mindset. In this article I want to focus more on the reason this road is easier for some than it is for others.

Types of Mindset

“The mindset isn’t about seeking a result — it’s more about the process of getting to the result. It’s about the journey and the approach. It’s a way of life. I do think that it’s important, in all endeavors, to have that mentality.”



Jeff Heggie
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)

Father, Husband, Entrepreneur, Success Coach, Marketing Strategist, Mastermind Facilitator, Knowledge Broker www.JeffHeggie.com