When there is Life, there is Hope!

Don’t give up on life, it has not given up on you yet!

Photo by Eric Anderson on Unsplash

Last few months of Covid-19 have been a challenge. People are dealing with several changes simultaneously. While a lot are adapting to constantly changing circumstances, many of us are struggling. Ever since COVID-19 has hit the world, the news of people committing suicide have taken everyone for a shock. The numbers are appalling! Many of them are celebrities. It’s hard to even think of whats and whys. Ending their life could be appearing easier to them than their current struggles. Is COVID-19 lockdown acting as a catalyst in pushing them to take this drastic step? When one person takes this step, those who are already depressed may start thinking it as a possible option. Is it acting as a dangerous inspiration for others? Is it an invisible demon whispering in the ears of depressed folks pushing them to take this step?

Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, represented as a pyramid with the more basic needs at the bottom

Maslow’s hierarchy of need starts with basic needs, psychological needs and self-fulfillment needs. A lack thereof at each level strives us to fill the hollow. But successive failures in one’s attempt only pushes one into the abyss, seemingly impossible to fill.

At the lowest level, lack of basic needs & struggle to meet the ends could be a primary cause. But by now it’s also very clear that money, fame, success, career, luxury, brand, millions of followers in virtual world etc. CANNOT make us happy. These are temporary satisfactors. A person with all of the above is still likely to feel lonely, unhappy, dissatisfied, sad and hollow from within. These feelings augment overtime leading to social withdrawal, insomnia, loss of interest, depression etc. and eventually lead to take the last step! The worldly luxuries and glamour cannot fill the hollow of psychological needs. At the same time, lack of self-fulfillment and failure to achieve one’s full potential could lead to gross dissatisfaction, especially for people with high caliber, creativity & talent. No wonder several artists and celebrities have fallen prey to this. Add to this, the impact of social injustice and inequality. No human wants to be portrayed as being a victim of social injustice or discrimination.

Humans in current century are facing several more challenges than previous generations. The stress of meeting personal and professional expectations, competition in the outside world, inability to balance personal and professional life, lack of me-time to introspect, lack of emotional maturity leading to inability to process emotions of failures and rejection, relationship struggles etc. are only a few challenges of our daily life.

Are We Fair to Fellow Humans?

We as a society are not being fair enough to our fellow humans. We are running a rat-race to achieve our goals and constantly pulling others down. We have become selfish, insensitive and arrogant beings, living in an artificial and virtual world. Constantly drowned in our gadgets, we are losing human touch. I wonder where are we heading?

Photo by Ashley Whitlatch on Unsplash

Self-Motivation Refresher

  • Strive hard for what you deserve, seek help if required, spend time in praying and wait patiently for your efforts to payoff. Meditation, discourses and chanting can calm you down.
  • Cultivate a creative hobby at an early age. If you have missed the opportunity, do it now for you and your children. It will help during mid-career and post retirement phase. Plan learning a new skill every few years. It could be painting, cooking, music, dance, singing, sculpting, home decor, writing, photography, travelling, graphic design, blogging, journaling, yoga, meditation, philosophy etc. Enroll for an online course. There are several available nowadays. Reduce on-screen time.
  • Find an outlet for your talent and also to vent out your physical and emotional suppressed energy (positive or negative). Don’t be harsh on yourself, pamper yourself. Be compassionate to yourself first. Own your life. Remember you are your first priority and you are your first love!
  • Avoid what pulls you down. Don’t repeat negative or unpleasant experiences in your mind. Practice positive self-talk and affirmations. Happiness is your birthright.
  • Being grounded with success can ease our acceptance of failure. Remember success is not equal to happiness. Failures are part of life, learn to live with them. Accept both success and failure with equal grace.
  • Let go what you cannot control. Change what you can. Take it easy, because the Universe is too kind. And there are infinite opportunities for everyone in the world.
  • External achievements cannot provide inner well-being or soul-satisfaction. Mind does not come to rest until one achieves self-bliss.
  • Find out a genuine person or an elder in a family with whom you can speak with. Express your pain transparently, articulate your suffering, they will be more than happy to help you.
  • Don’t let others define your worth. You are worth the best and you deserve the best!
  • Help strangers. It would increase your life-satisfaction.
  • Visit destinations close to nature. Every country including India has several such places like Ranikhet, Dharamshala etc. These places can give you solitude with nature as they are not as crowded as conventional hill stations.
  • Connect with people outside your circle. It will give you hope, exposure and motivation to learn something new.
  • Have some fun. Life need not be serious all the time.
  • If you see something good in others, be generous in appreciating. Don’t be envious or hateful. Love all, respect all. As a society, be cooperative and supportive.
  • Not everything works your way. Learn to let go something, outgrow something, withdraw from what bogs you down and move on.
  • If required, bring an explicit closure with people, situations, events, unhealed wounds, unspoken issues etc. If people are not available in person, write them a letter.
  • Do not overthink. It’s a proven fact that 90% of what we think, does not happen.
  • When you get triggered: Breath in, breath out. Calm down. Process the emotions which triggered you. Accept them with grace. And gently let go.
  • Trust on god, no matter what!
Photo by Tyler Nix on Unsplash

Do Your Bit, Give Hope to Others!

  • The most important aspect I feel is family and social support system. Keep in touch with everyone, specially check on people who are private, reserved and introvert. Connect with those who are not well connected with others socially. Those who don’t have close friends, befriend them. Check on people who don’t have jobs, who have lost jobs, who have got pay-cuts, battling relationship struggles, existing mental health issues etc. Help them connect with a therapist, if required. Drop that damn ego and call them now!
  • If you notice a sudden change in someone’s behavior, someone secluding or withdrawing socially or simply not behaving their normal self, they may be needing your help. Make an effort to check on them. Don’t take smaller issues lightly, they may become major if not addressed early.
  • Give them hope, courage and relief that you are there with them, no matter what! They would never reveal what’s going on in their minds. You need to start with the conversation that would touch their heart.
  • Show them you care genuinely. Follow the policy of ‘No Questions Asked’ and ‘No Judgement Passed’. People don’t want to be told whether they are right or wrong, all they want is to be understood and accepted. Be a company to them & start a dialogue. Avoid speaking anything offensive which would push them back into their cocoon. Just let them speak their heart out. Be all ears and hear them out without questioning back, without being judgmental. Make them feel accepted. Be their confidant. Empathize.
  • Be generous to help in your capacity — recommending them for job, lending money, giving a company, helping expand their social circle/connections which might open new avenues etc. Least you can do is accept everyone unconditionally, with all their shortcomings.

Don’t delay, act now!

Every Life has a Unique Purpose!

The Universe is infinite, with infinite opportunities. Each one of us is sent with a unique purpose, we would realize sooner or later.

Universe can’t give you thirst, without creating water. It can’t give you hunger, without creating food. It can’t give you problems, without creating solutions.

No problem comes in our life without a solution. Much before a problem strikes us, its solution has already arrived. We just need to look up to find the solution.

When there is life, there is hope!

Don’t give up on life, it has not given up on you yet!

Please do share your experiences and thoughts on how you have dealt with self-motivation and helped people dealing with depression during Covid-19 crisis.

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