When Your Guest is a Dreamer

Elio D'Anna
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)
7 min readJan 25, 2021
Image provided by the author

Q. Dreamer, how old are you and where do you live?

Elio: The Dreamer is free from any role, age, and description; he appears and disappears at will, taking on any role in the world of events that He is required to play.

He lives amongst ordinary people, he walks amongst ordinary people, and yet he remains invisible to all who have not yet abandoned their belief in the description of the world, their belief in time, and, most important of all, their belief in the false idea of birth and death.

Q. What is the difference between a dream and a vision? According to you, we all have a dream, even if it is subconscious. But then what is a vision? Is it the same thing or is it something else that we have to cultivate?

Elio: Dream and vision are one and the same thing. You tend to see a causal relation between vision and reality, the Dream and the world, the inner and the outer; between the artist and the art, creator and creation, invisible and visible, dreamer and dreamed, you think that one is creating the other. This is the illusion of succession, of continuity — the illusion of time, space, and causality.

In reality, they are one and the same, and no gap, no division can ever exist between them.

Q. How does our dream affect our reality?

Elio: Your Dream does not affect your reality, because between Dream and Reality there is no causal relationship; they are not divided by the illusion of Time. Dream and Reality are one and the same thing.

You mistake Dreaming as the product of an oneiric activity; as something that occurs whilst you sleep, but you are wrong. Dreaming means ‘doing’. It is a state of freedom, a psychological condition of absence of fear, anxiety, doubts, and negative emotions.

Dreaming means to be right ‘now’ what you wish to become.

Q. You say that what we have depends on what we are. So, how do we change what we are in order to have more or different things from what we already have?

Elio: You can only have what you are responsible for.

The quality of your life, of your relationships — your health, your wealth — they all correspond exactly to your inner states and conditions.

Only a higher state of being, a vision from above, could make you realise that what you are experiencing right now is exactly the reality you are dreaming of. Your life is such and couldn’t be anything else because you never bring any change in your own dream, even if you’re living hell. The truth is that, behind the apparent willingness to change your Life, there is a greater determination to want to perpetuate it as it is.

Never forget: the world is as you dream it and cannot be otherwise.

Q. Does that apply to all situations? Money, relationships, goods, fame?

Elio: Yes. Having is Being, and Being is Having.

You see, everyone wants to live a successful life, to be famous, to make money but few succeed. And yet, making money is easy. True wealth is already inside you, you only have to liberate it of the ballast that is your worries, fears and desires, and just bring it out.

Remember! If you have nothing that at present satisfies you, the fault is only within. You will never get what you want as long as your Being remains as It is. You have to change yourself to get new understanding, new meaning, new life and consequently create events of a higher order.

Having depends on Being just like a shadow depends for its dimension and form on the object that is projecting it.

So, don’t worry about money, fame or success. Worry only about yourself, about your integrity. Stop indulging and identifying with your negative emotions which are the very cause of all your troubles and difficulties. When money is needed, it will be right there. Trust yourself, trust your dream and you will have much more than you can ever desire.

Q. How can we grow our dream about ourselves in the world?

Elio: Again, you have to intervene on your Being, on the quality of your thoughts, on your ways of feeling. You have to circumscribe your negative emotions; stop identifying with the outer circumstances, stop blaming the others, finding faults and complaining.

If you rise above the clouds of fears, worries and anxieties, not only will you have saved yourself, but the entire world.

Remember! The slightest change in your inner being can move mountains and projects yourself as a giant in the world of events.

Q. And can we help others grow their own dream and if yes how?

Elio: The only help you can give to others is to free yourself from the ‘need to help.’

Most people think that identifying or worrying about others will help them, but being identified never helps. It is just another way to create your own prison and lose power.

You have to respect everyone for the role they naturally play in life, and never try to change their horrors and fears in something that they could never contain, sustain or be responsible for. Then, do not try to help anybody, you will be disappointed and fail. If you really want to help someone, focus all your attention on the only thing you can do: getting rid of your own ‘need of help.’

Remember! Only an individual revolution can heal the world.

Q. What is the message of the pandemic for me, for us , for the world?

Elio: All tragedies, disasters, wars and crimes, are just a self-fulfilling prophecy of doom — a lie; a make-believe story created by man’s gloomy fantasy to justify his impotence in front of the unknown — his lack of knowledge in front of the abyss of his own being. The virus, like all sufferings and bloodsheds in the world, is part too, of that illusory description that you call reality.

You sit hypnotized in front of your television, your phone, your computer screen as the News Media spouts their lies about a global pandemic, believing that they are telling you what is really happening in the world, when they are only telling you about your inner states and conditions. They are only telling you what you want them to tell you.

When you will be conscious of the fact that what you see in the news is not coming from the world outside but from your own dark, compromised inner being trapped like a spider in its own web, you will learn to discern — you will learn how to believe without believing; learn how to exorcise your self-fulfilling prophecy of disaster; learn how to laugh at your own deadly creativity and act your role in life as an actor does on a movi-set, impeccably and intentionally, without ever forgetting that behind all this performance there is you yourself — the Dreamer — creator, sustainer and transformer of all and everything.

When you recognise that the virus is not something happening externally, but within yourself, you will learn to let it be. This will make you real and the world safe.

The Sorrow you see outside is due to your having forgotten your own Being, having given reality to the picture on the screen. But you have made this world and you can change it. The reason why you don’t understand this, is because you believe that you are in the world and not that the world is in you. Taking appearance for reality is a mortal error and the very cause of all calamities.

In an external disaster, only those who refuse to understand will be destroyed. Your inner states and attitudes determine whether the great cycles of nature are going to kill you or take you to a new dimension, to a higher level of understanding where all human horrors, diseases, wars, poverty and death, will cease to exist.

Then, before the outside world is destroyed by your politicians, priests and scientists, enter into your inner world alone and touch your integrity. It is the only safety left, the only shelter against any viruses and evil, against any terrorism and nuclear war, against global suicide. The power of being present inside, projects a place where there are no divisions, no conflicts, no boundaries between yourself and the others.

Where suffering is, your blindness is its very cause, and where conflicts are, your suffering is their very root.

To have another world you have to change your dream, and this is the most difficult task.

Your healing will be humanity’s healing and your integrity will be the salvation of the world.

Q. What is leadership and who is a true leader?

Elio: A true leader finds solutions, decides things and overcomes impossible issues, wins battles and conflicts, climbs mountains and crosses oceans through his own inner states, that is, within himself, in solitude, in silence, in stillness.

The people he attracts and works with are the outer expression of his inner responsibility and they are as faithful and intelligent as his own incorruptible commitment to the dream. He never asks for anything, because he knows that no help can come from outside. He knows that within himself, he’s got all the capacity and strength to create all the resources he needs. He knows that the only tool necessary for his victory and success, is his own inner integrity.

Q. What can someone do in order to communicate with you directly?

Elio: Be careful! The popularity of the Dreamer is going to give rise to false masters and teachers.

They can speak of integrity, flawlessness, power of doing and love but they themselves are slaves in their heart of their own division and fragmentation. They are the ones who invoke the name of the Dreamer, his principles and ideas, only for speculation and money purpose. They are the ones who commit all kind of crime and error in the name of loyalty and love. They are the ones who cause oppression and persecution in the name of freedom. Their dishonesty, their deception will be unmasked and exposed when they will try to teach or preach the principles and ideas of the Dreamer.

Remember, The “School for Gods” cannot be taught but only lived and experienced close to the Dreamer.



Elio D'Anna
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)

Elio D’Anna, Founder and President of @eseschool, best-selling author, businessman, musician and producer https://linktr.ee/eliodanna