Why do we Praise the Dissolution of the Ego

Our collective society is confused and polarized. We have been striving to dissolve boundaries without caring for the structures and limits of our egoic concerns. It may be a product of the times, but history always rhymes.

I like to think about most things through the lens of the ying-yang, and it is the clear boundaries combined with a tad of dissolution that defines the ying-yang symbol.

I like to think about the ego in the same way. It’s all about boundaries, and when we attempt to dissolve them without respecting the need to find clarity from the process, we find ourselves floundering through life.

Our ego does not own our souls, but it is an essential part of us. We must respect the need for our ego. By knowing our limits, we can stretch them and grow.

My own image



Caeona Murdoch
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)

Mother and Aspiring Householder. Shield-Wife. Book Reviews, Art & History, Homesteading & Food. The meandering musings of my mind exposed for you to read.