Why Good Fantasy Fiction Ideas Go Nowhere

And solutions that writers can use to overcome these challenges.

Jose Guzman
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)
3 min readJun 22, 2022


Photo by Anthony Tran on Unsplash

Creating an original fantasy story is difficult.

For several reasons, writers never finish their first stories or book.

At first, they might have a dream or huge burst of inspiration, but somewhere in the days and months that pass by, the story goes nowhere.

The warrior or witch the writer imagined has been lost in the chapters and sections of bad storytelling. But it’s not a unique experience, making it a common starting point for the writers that keep going.

If this sounds familiar, then you’re not alone because many people never see the end of their story.

Some common reasons why people fail to finish their fantasy story:
• Their story seems too similar to what they’ve seen or read before
• Lose motivation and faith in their story
• Set the bar way too high
• Don’t let anyone read their draft
• Step away from the story too long and forget their vision

These reasons aren’t signs of a bad writer, but of one that is unfocused on the true purpose of their writing.

By painting a clear object or goal with your writing, you can fix these common reasons that keep writers from finishing their stories. First understand why it is that you want to write the story.

Now let’s say you finish your story, but something seems off about your plot and characters.

One of the least understood reasons that keeps your story from being great and makes it feel dull is that writers fail to make the story relatable to the reader.

Fantasy lets us create characters that have supernatural or mystical powers, but they also need to connect with the reader in someway.

Harry Potter is probably an overused example, but I felt so connected to his story because I had some of the same experiences in my life.

I even had a real life Draco when I was going through middle school.

I’m a skateboarder and never had the money to have nice skate shoes or gear, but this other person, who I’ll call my rival, was always wearing the newest styles of shoes and always had a fresh board.

I felt like those things made him better than me in a way.

Harry helped me realize that gear and having things is not as important as other great and wonderful parts of life. Family, for example, is far more important.

This is just an example of how much characters can affect the reader and why they are so critical to a good story.

Shorten your stories to improve your writing ability and portfolio.

A great way to write more fantasy fiction is by shortening the stories we write. Stop thinking like you have to write a full-blown history and map of the world your characters live in.

It’s better to give yourself the time and space to write small stories.

Your stories might connect later on as you write more characters and places. Have fun with what you do and don’t pressure yourself into hating what you’ve done.

Plus, having a larger list of stories will make you feel more accomplished in the end. You’ll also be able to gauge your progress as you continue to finish these short stories.

With these tips in mind, I’m confident writers can feel better about their writing and get more accomplished overtime.



Jose Guzman
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)

Literature focused with an interest in life, relationships, and learning. USMC Vet