Why You Need To Hire a Coach

Jeff Heggie
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)
6 min readSep 18, 2020


Many of the most well-known and successful people, from Oprah Winfrey to Bill Clinton, Leonardo DiCaprio to Hugh Jackman all worked extensively with a coach. When people who have never had a coach before the first talk to me about coaching, the beginning of the conversation typically sounds something like this:

“I feel like I need a coach, but I really don’t know. What would a coach do for me?”

I was recently at a Tony Robbins UPW (Unleash the Power Within) event where Tony said, “Everybody needs a coach or a mentor. Someone that is not a close friend and will be direct and honest.”

Eric Schmidt, chairman of Alphabet (former CEO of Google) said: “everyone needs a coach.”

Obviously, not everyone is going to go out and hire a coach. Would they benefit from it if they did hire a good coach? Absolutely.

But my guess is that if you are reading this, you’re not just part of the “everyone” crowd. My guess is that you belong to the group of people that know that you are responsible for your own life and there are always opportunities for growth and improvement.

Whatever your situation, you don’t have to settle for the life you are living, it’s possible to achieve more.

What I won’t show you in this article is how a coach will solve all of your…



Jeff Heggie
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)

Father, Husband, Entrepreneur, Success Coach, Marketing Strategist, Mastermind Facilitator, Knowledge Broker www.JeffHeggie.com