Without Action There Is No Success

so get off your butt and go to work

Dean J Murphy
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)


Newton’s Cradle image for article Without Action There Is No Success so get off your butt and go to work
Image via DBL

I was listening to a Tony Robbins interview the other day and Tony mentioned that many people do not succeed in their endeavors because they never make it to the action part of the success cycle. My interpretation of Tony’s interview follows.

Belief / Potential

If you learn something or see somebody do something, you then believe it can be done. Nobody thought that a human would ever be capable of running one mile in four minutes. Then in 1954, Roger Bannister ran one mile in 3:59.4. This historic event proved to people that is was possible to run one mile in under four minutes. Since then, over 1,400 people have run a sub-four-minute mile. Believing something is the first step to realizing your potential but belief and potential do not mean anything until you put it into action


This is the part where you implement it. Unless you put into action what you learned, you will never know if you can realize your potential. Your belief that you can do it is the first step but the proof in the pudding is in the doing. Without this step, you will never know the result, which leads us into the next step


