Words Matter

Photo by JoAnne Kao


Here’s an example of how white privilege sounds:

You keep saying “It’s horrible that an innocent black man was killed, but destroying property has to stop”

Try saying “It’s horrible that property is being destroyed, but killing innocent black men has to stop”


You keep saying “China Virus”

Try saying “Covid 19; Corona Virus”


Eagles fans after winning the Super Bowl vs Now

You keep saying “oh they were celebrating and it got a bit out of hand, no one really got hurt, it was in good fun”

“look at these thugs, these animals, these looters, they’re vandalizing private property”

Try saying “Racism is no longer tolerable and change has to happen. I’m sorry George Floyd and so many before him died. I don’t know what you’re going through but I’m with you. Please if you are protesting, stay safe and don’t break the law. See this through so that laws change. We’re in this fight together”


Why do words matter?

Wording incites. They are a direct adrenaline shot to our fears, emotions, prejudices, sorrows, joys, hopes and happiness. Words are important because it can save lives and prevent further discourse.

There is no doubt that change has to happen. Laws have to change. Systemic racism, oppression, annihilation, degradation of black men & women has to stop NOW.

Let’s use WORDS that will help us get there together.

