Your Story Matters

Susan J Hilger
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)
2 min readNov 27, 2020
Photo by Allef Vinicius on Unsplash

We share with people who’ve earned the right to hear our story.”

— Brene Brown

Our stories create us.

We create our stories.

Most of the world is currently dealing with some level of this Covid 19 pandemic.

What this has created is a level playing field it comes to vulnerability and authenticity, Our emotions and thoughts are showing up everywhere.

Collectively we see and feel all of those emotions: fear, anger, sadness, joy, love, and some days, a melancholy mediocre.

If you happen to be someone who enjoys starting your day on social media, on any given morning you will notice who is afraid, and who is angry, and begin to see we are collectively going through something powerful together.

What is the best way to manage these emotions? Get comfortable with them. What’s the best way to get comfortable, speak them out loud, own your feelings.

I’m not implying that you share every inner thought and feeling with your social media following, but please share with those who you trust to hold sacred space for you.

Have open conversations, talk about your feelings, open up your vulnerable side, and share how this has been affecting you, your family, your friends.

Once you begin to open yourself up and share, other people will learn to open up and soon you’ll realize you’re possibly relieving someone else’s pain for fear.

What if you knew your stories were life-changing for someone in pain? Would you be more open to telling them?

I was very surprised to realize that a post I shared on Linkedin where I asked people to share ‘their best self’ story, inspired an email from a friendly stranger sharing her tender ‘story’.

I do share her story in my book, you will see for yourself, her words touch your core being, and to know she shared something so personal and powerful with me from one social media post was proof enough for me: some days we are serving others with our story.



Susan J Hilger
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)

I love my pups, my partner and the sea. I spend my days working with people who know how to make money, & have all the toys, yet they want so much more!